
Here is the question:

How do I show checkboxes in the view.php instead of 1 or 0 ?

These are the boolean fields:



<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(












		array('label'=>'Company', 'value'=>$model->company->company_name),


)); ?>

Below post may help you

Maybe someone can elaborate on my code?

I am very nooby on this yet.

Try this

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(






				array('name'=>'scheduled_maintenance', 'value'=>$model->scheduled_maintenance?'Yes':'No'),

				array('name'=>'unscheduled_maintenance', 'value'=>$model->unscheduled_maintenance?'Yes':'No'),





                array('label'=>'Company', 'value'=>$model->company->company_name),


)); ?>

Worked like a dream… Thank you…

What about the admin view?

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





















)); ?>

If you don’t mind… I have the view down know and I will apply that to all my future checkboxes…

Here is the answer for anyone else searching for this:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





















)); ?>

‘scheduled_maintenance:boolean’, <-- Adding boolean returns Yes/No instead of 0/1

And on the list view this is the solution aka _view.php:

<?php echo CHtml::checkBox('unscheduled_maintenance',$data->unscheduled_maintenance,$hmlOptions= array('disabled=>disabled')); ?>

Note the disabled attribute in the $htmlOptions doesn’t work. I have not found how to do this yet.