checkbox filter with clistview

hello, i am trying to implement and everything work fine, but the problem is when the checkboxes none are checked, data result show last checked checkboxes, what i want is to show all the data, anybody know how to solve this?

Hi friend,

        I need Select all fields in my form... I`m using the following codes from select the fileds... Please help me 


  &#036;session=new CHttpSession;



&#036;sql = &quot;SELECT flat_number FROM tbl_apartment where flat_number NOT in (select flat_number from tbl_flatchargesmapping  where  societyid=&quot;.&#036;value2.&quot;) and societyid=&quot;.&#036;value2.&quot;&quot;;

   &#036;codes = Apartment::model()-&gt;findAllBySql(&#036;sql);

       echo '&lt;tr&gt;';

     foreach(&#036;codes as &#036;key=&gt;&#036;data)



     	   echo &quot;&lt;td class='checkbox'&gt;&quot;;


     echo &#036;form-&gt;checkBox(&#036;model, 'flat_number['.&#036;key.']', array('value'=&gt;&#036;data['flat_number'],'uncheckValue'=&gt;'N'), array('class'=&gt;'style1'));

     	//echo &#036;form-&gt;hiddenfield(&#036;model, 'description['.&#036;key.']', array('value'=&gt;&#036;data['flat_number'],'uncheckValue'=&gt;'N'), array('class'=&gt;'style1'));

        echo '&lt;label&gt;'.&#036;data['flat_number'].'&lt;/label&gt;';




     		echo '&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;tr&gt;';




Thanks in Advance

Once I clicked the Select All checkbox…It`ll select the Those Check Boxes…