Check For Value And Display Corresponding Button In Cbuttoncolumn


I have faced a little roadblock where i have to display two types of buttons according to the value of field which comes from the database.

Code is as follows :

View Page  : 


                $widget = $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

                            'id' => 'notifications-grid',

                            'cssFile' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/css/gridview.css',

                            'dataProvider' => $model->notificationList(),

                            'enablePagination' => true,

                            'ajaxUpdate' => false,

                            'emptyText' => 'No results found.',

                            'template' => '{items}',

                            'pager' => array(

                                'class' => 'LinkPager',

                                'cssFile' => false,

                                'header' => '',

                                'firstPageLabel' => '',

                                'prevPageLabel' => '<img  class="next-btn">',

                                'nextPageLabel' => '<img  class="previous-btn">',

                                'lastPageLabel' => '',


                            'columns' => array(


                                        'name' => 'id',

                                        'type' => 'raw',

                                        'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'width40'),

                                        'headerHtmlOptions'=>array('class' => 'width40'),

                                        'header' => 'S/N',

                                        'value' => '$this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->currentPage * $this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize + ($row+1)',



                                    'name' => 'notificationText',

                                    'type' => 'raw',

                                    'htmlOptions'=> array('class'=>'width400'),

                                    'headerHtmlOptions'=>array('class' => 'width400'),

                                    'header' => 'Notification Text',

                                    'value' => '$data->notificationText',



                                    'name' => 'createdDate',

                                    'type' => 'raw',

                                    'htmlOptions'=> array('class'=>'width150'),

                                    'header' => 'Created On',

                                    'value' => '$data->createdDate',



                                    'class' => 'CButtonColumn',

                                    'header' => 'Actions',

                                    'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'width110'),

                                    'headerHtmlOptions'=>array('class' => 'width110'),

                                    'template' => '<a class="file-btn" href="/isml/source/portal/index.php/user/editnotification" title="Click here to copy notification"></a>',

                                    'buttons' => array()                                    




The following is where i want to display the buttons :


   'class' => 'CButtonColumn',

   'header' => 'Actions',

   'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'width110'),

   'headerHtmlOptions'=>array('class' => 'width110'),

   'template' => '<a class="file-btn" href="/isml/source/portal/index.php/user/editnotification" title="Click here to copy notification"></a>',

   'buttons' => array()                                    


How can i check like

if($data->status==2){ echo 'Button 1'; }else if($data->status==1){ echo 'button 2'; }else echo 'button 3';}

in the array of CButtonColumn ?

You seem to be configuring this incorrectly. The buttons property allows you to specify whether each button should be displayed based on a PHP expression. Your template should just contain the ID’s of the buttons that you’ve configured.