Chapter 9..php Notice Undefined Index: Comment In Page No 220 -224

i am new in yii ,i am trying to adding user comments but here i am finding some difficulty such as…

PHP notice

Undefined index: Comment


232 * return the project model instance to whichthis issue belongs

233 */

234 public function getProject()

235 {

236 return $this->_project;

237 }


239 protected function createComment($issue)

240 {

241 $comment=new Comment;

242 if(isset($_POST[‘Comment’]));

243 {

244 $comment->attributes=$_POST[‘Comment’];

245 if($issue->addComment($comment))

246 {

247 Yii::app()->user->setFlash(‘commentSubmitted’,“Your comment has been added.” );

248 $this->refresh();

249 }

250 }

251 return $comment;

252 }





Stack Trace


C:\xampp\htdocs\trackstar\protected\controllers\IssueController.php(55): IssueController->createComment(Issue)

50 * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be displayed

51 */

52 public function actionView($id)

53 {

54 $issue=$this->loadModel($id, true);

55 $comment=$this->createComment($issue);

56 $this->render(‘view’,array(

57 //‘model’=>$issue,

58 ‘model’=>$this->loadModel($id, true),

59 ‘comment’=>$comment,

60 ));

my all codes are in files which is below…

I checked my code against the book code and didn’t find any errors. If anyone have idea it wolud be appreciated.

thanks in advance…

Take a look at line 242 in IssueController. You have redundant semicolon there.

And please don’t double post next time ;)