Chapter 7 page 152 onward

Hi all,

Well after making the custom active record model and changing the name in al the specified files it gives me this error every time i whant to do something with my user pages:

PHP Error

include(CBbExpression.php) [<a href=‘function.include’>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory


409 {

410 foreach(self::$_includePaths as $path)

411 {

412 $classFile=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$className.’.php’;

413 if(is_file($classFile))

414 {

415 include($classFile);

416 break;

417 }

418 }

419 }

420 else

421 include($className.’.php’);

422 }

423 else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3

424 {

425 $namespace=str_replace(’\\’,’.’,ltrim($className,’\\’));

426 if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false)

427 include($path.’.php’);

428 else

429 return false;

430 }

431 return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false);

432 }

433 return true;

So can someone enlight me please…i have no clue what to do:(


I believe, you just made a typo. Check your class name CBbExpression.php in the error description.

that should be CDbExpression.php


God dammit…thx a lot Vit78 for the fast reply…i misspeled like a morron:((