Changing Login Timeout Length

I’ve been trying to change the length of time before the system logs out a user. I’ve tried the following in /protected/config/main.php:



                        // enable cookie-based authentication







of course changing timeout to various values, but even at 1 it doesn’t log the user out in 1 second. I’ve also tried changing the login method in /protected/models/LoginForm.php:

public function login()




            $this->_identity=new UserIdentity($this->username,$this->password);





            $duration=$this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0; // 30 days


            return true;



            return false;


I’ve tried making $duration larger, smaller, and taking that argument out and it doesn’t change anything. My users are still being logged out in about an hour or so. Any help is appreciated - I just want the users to be able to stay logged in for 8-12 hours so that they don’t walk away from their computer, come back, refresh the page and have to log in again. Thanks!

Any1? Or am I doing it right already and it’s just not working for some reason?


What about CWebUser.authTimeout?

Dear Friend

I hope this is what you expect!.



			// enable cookie-based authentication


			'authTimeout'=>5  // may be 8*60*60 for eight hours!



Thank you guys! That was it.