Changing database in console commands

I am writing a new console command based on the code given in the ‘Building Authorization Data’ section of the Authorization documentation for Yii2. I have two databases which I have set up in the common/main-local.php file. One is called db and the other is called db1. When I run the command yii rbac/init it populates the db database but I do not know how to get it to populate db1. I can modify the common/main-local.php file and rename db1 to db and then run yii rbac/init and this works. But is there a way to select db1 either by using a command line option (I tried yii rbac/init --db=db1, but it did’nt work) or writing some code in the RbacController to select db1. I dont mind having RbacDb1Controller and rbacDbController files.

My controller code is below


namespace console\controllers;

use Yii;

use yii\console\Controller;

use yii\base\Exception;

class RbacController extends Controller


public function actionInit()



	&#036;auth = Yii::&#036;app-&gt;authManager;




		// add &quot;admin&quot; role and give this role the &quot;updatePost&quot; permission

		// as well as the permissions of the &quot;author&quot; role

		&#036;admin = &#036;auth-&gt;createRole('admin');



	catch(Exception &#036;e){

		echo &quot;WARNING: admin already exists.&#092;n&quot;;



	// Assign roles to users. IDs returned by IdentityInterface::getId()

	// usually implemented in your User model.


	&#036;auth-&gt;assign(&#036;admin, 1);


	catch(Exception &#036;e){

		echo &quot;WARNING: Cannot assign admin to user id 1.&#092;n&quot;;





Any help would be greatly appreciated.

