Cgridview With Ccheckboxcolumn Value Checked

Hey guys …

i have problem when using CCheckBoxColumn in CGridView …

i want check item if a variable is in array … it work when i code like this


$this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(







        'selectableRows' =&gt; '50',

        'checked'=&gt;'in_array(&#036;data-&gt;id,array(22,23))' , 








but when i use array variabel $arr = array(22,23) … it’s failed … my coding below is not working


$arr = array(22,23);

$this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(







        'selectableRows' =&gt; '50',

        'checked'=&gt;'in_array(&#036;data-&gt;id,&#036;arr)' , 








can someone help me … thanks


You can use like that:

in Current Controller create function ex: isChecked

public function isChecked($id){

&#036;arr = array(22,23);

return in_array(&#036;id ,&#036;arr);


In view:


$this->widget(‘zii.widgets.grid.CGridView’, array(







        'selectableRows' =&gt; '50',

        'checked'=&gt;'Yii::app()-&gt;controller-&gt;isChecked(&#036;data-&gt;id)' , 








Hi rojulman, welcome to the forum.

You can use only $row, $data and $this in the expression for ‘checked’. Local variables like $arr are not allowed in the expression.

So you have to use some means you can access from the expression.

While oxigen’s solution uses the controller’s public function, you may also simply declare a public property in the controller, and use it for the chosen ids.

$this->arr = array(22,23); // 'arr' is a public property in the controller

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(







			'selectableRows' => '50',

			'checked' => 'in_array($data->id, $this->grid->controller->arr)' , 





In the above, $this refers to the column, $this->grid is the grid, and $this->grid->controller is the controller.

Or, if you are using PHP 5.3.x, then you can use an anonymous function instead.

$arr = array(22,23);

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(







			'selectableRows' => '50',

			'checked' => function($data) use($arr) {

				return in_array($data->id, $arr); 






ok guys thank you very much … it’s work like a charm … and solved my problem … :D