Cgridview With An Image Column Doesn't Render

Hi guys,

I have an image column in a CGridView widget, it partially works, the following code works:


      'value'=>'CHtml::tag("img", array("src" => ""),"",true)'


As you can see, the url is hardcoded, so instead, I have created a function that recovers an url:

AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo)

I have tried in several ways, but I just can’t get this done, nothing of this works:


      'value'=>'CHtml::tag("img", array("src" => "AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo)"),"",true)'


//This render something like this: CHtml::image(AccountController::getPhotoUrl(1,

//Which is correct, because its passing the correct values to the function


      'value'=>'"CHtml::image(AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo))"'



      'value'=>"AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo)"


I would really appreciate if someone can help me. Thanks!

Remove the quotes around the method call:


      'value'=>'CHtml::tag("img", array("src" => AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo)),"",true)'


Thanks for your response Keith, but it doesn’t work, I got this error:

TbDataColumn and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "getPhotoUrl".

Anyone? I have tried in many ways, does someone know some solution?


Try using an anonymous function instead:




        return CHtml::image(AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo));



Hi Keith,

Thanks for your response again, unfortunately it doesn’t work, I don’t know why it throws an exception:

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in C:\AppServ\www\yii4\htdocs\protected\modules\causes\views\causeDonation\admin.php on line 69"

I have been reading the class reference and it should accept an anonymous function as you said:




               return CHtml::image(AccountController::getPhotoUrl($data->author_id, $data->photo));



Thanks again!

Hi there,

you can try the below code





'type' => 'html',

'value'=> 'CHtml::tag("div", array("style"=>"text-align: center" ) , CHtml::tag("img", array("height"=>\''.$height.'\',\'width\'=>\''.$width.'\',"src" => UtilityHtml::getImageCoupon(GxHtml::valueEx($data,\'image\')))))',


Best Regards,

Ankit Modi

Yeeeessss!!! finally!!! thank you so much, without your help I wouldn’t had got by myself!