Hi all,
I am still rather new to yii and try to achieve the following. I have a CGridView table with multiple records, Pagination and Filters. One of my columns is a checkbox and what I would like to reach is that when I click on a button, that the checkbox from each row gets selected on all Pages without me having to repeat the process on each individual Page. So when I click on Page 2 the checkbox should be selected same on Page 3 and so on. Right now only the Page I am on gets selected and the data send to the database via AJAX. Is this actually possible at all? Are all Records actually available on Page 1 or is it just lets say 10 records when you choose to display 10 on each page? If I would have access to all records then it should be fine, but I struggle to find out and how to access them. I hope somebody has an advice. Thanks in advance.