CGridView: filters doesn't works

Hello, I have a problem :) (first sorry for my bad english :P)

I’ve created a grid: the pagination works perfectly. But the filters do not.

My controller is a module. (module Missive, controller Missive).

	public function actionIndex()


		$model=new Missive('missiveRicevute');









    public function missiveRicevute()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;



        $criteria->compare('data', CDateTimeParser::parse($this->data, 'dd/MM/yyyy'));


        $criteria->condition = 'destinatario_id = :destinatario';

        $criteria->params = array(':destinatario' => Yii::app()->user->id);

		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(






            'name' => 'data',

            'header' => 'Data',

            'value'=> 'CTimestamp::formatDate("d/m/Y", $data->data)'



            'name' => 'mittente_nome',

            'header' => 'Mittente',








)); ?>

What’s wrong? I’ve checked the ajax url in firebug when I use the filters but it is ok. I’ve no idea :(

Are all attributes ‘safe’ in the model rules, means the attributes are really assigned?

public function actionIndex()


                $model=new Missive('missiveRicevute');





                //do a var_dump here

                var_dump($model->attributes); die();





I’ve tried to type in filter “testo” this: sdf

array(6) { ["id"]=> NULL ["mittente_nome"]=> string(0) "" ["mittente_id"]=> NULL ["destinatario_id"]=> NULL ["testo"]=> string(3) "sdf" ["data"]=> string(0) "" }

Uff :(

The attributes are ok.

Now you have to investigate the criteria in the function missiveRicevute();

Do var_dump($criteria) there and check the data the dataProvider returns.

Check if they are filtered or not. If not, the kind of building the criteria is not ok.


 $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(



 var_dump($dataProvider->getData()); die();


  return $dataProvider; 


I changed the criteria "position".

 public function missiveRicevute()


                $criteria=new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->condition = 'destinatario_id = :destinatario';

        $criteria->params = array(':destinatario' => Yii::app()->user->id);



        $criteria->compare('data', CDateTimeParser::parse($this->data, 'dd/MM/yyyy'));


                return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




First condition, next criteria. Although I did not understand why: P

Now I understand why:

You have added conditions on $criteria->compare.

Afterwards you have cancelled all these conditions by setting $criteria->condition = ‘destinatario_id = :destinatario’ as the only condition in the criteria.

If you want to keep the conditions you have set before you have to use $criteria->addCondition(…).