Cgridview Filtering From A Table Not Directly Related


Here’s my problem, I have 3 tables like this:

  • Brand

  • Realisation with a brand_id

  • Project with a realisation_id

I succeeded to filter in a project by the realisation name, because there are related, like this in the search function:



			$criteria->together  =  true;

			$criteria->with = array('realisation');



$sort=new CSort;



				'rea_name' => array(

						'asc' => '',

						'desc' => ' DESC',

						'label' => 'Réalisation',



		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


			'sort' => $sort,


Thank to this topic

But now, I want to filter by brand and I tried to do the same but there are not related directly, I can’t do $criteria->with = array(‘brand’). Project table doesn’t know the brand table. I think I have to work with the realisation table to get the brand table but I don’t know how to do this!

So if anyone knows a solution, thank you! :)

You’ll need to include the bridging relation:

$criteria->with = array('realisation.brand');

That will include both the realisation relation and its brand relation.

Wow, thanks for the fast reply, it works!

Another small problem with my custom filtering.

I have an ‘ambigus column name’ when I’m trying to filter with two columns representing the name of project and the name of

a realisation per exemple. Do you know where I can put something like ‘ as realisation_name’ to avoid this error?

Can you post your filtering code?

Yes, here:

public function search()


		// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

		// should not be searched.

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;






			$criteria->together  =  true;

			$criteria->with = array('realisation');






			$criteria->together  =  true;

			$criteria->with = array('realisation.brand');

			$criteria->compare('', $this->brand_name,true);



		$sort=new CSort;



				'rea_name' => array(

						'asc' => '',

						'desc' => ' DESC',

						'label' => 'Réalisation',


				'brand_name' => array(

						'asc' => '',

						'desc' => ' DESC',

						'label' => 'Marque',



		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


			'sort' => $sort,



It works with both realisation name and brand name together but when I try with the name of a project with one of them, I have the ambigus clause name.

Try using


I believe the main table is aliased as ‘t’.

Yes, it is.

Thanks again for the fast reply! It works perfectly ;)