Cgridview Belongs_To Relation Search: Numeric Comparison Operator Fails

Hello everyone

I have a CGridView widget in my "PointMutationsVarscan" model set up to search a numeric non-pk value in a related model, called "GeneExpressionCufflinksGene"

I declare the search var within the PointMutationsVarscan model in the usual way to disambiguate:

public $patient_gecg_search;

Search rule in PointMutationsVarscan contains search var:

array('id, ... patient_gecg_search, geneExpressionCufflinksGene', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),

Model relation:

'geneExpressionCufflinksGene' => array(self::BELONGS_TO,'GeneExpressionCufflinksGene',array('gene'=>'gene_id')),

Search function:

public function search()


$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


// yada yada

$criteria->with[] = 'geneExpressionCufflinksGene';          

if($this->patient_gecg_search) {

$criteria->compare( 'geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm', $this->patient_gecg_search, true);                      $criteria->addSearchCondition("geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm",$this->patient_gecg_search);


return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(






                'desc'=>' DESC',




                'desc'=>'geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm DESC',







In the GeneExpressionCufflinksGene model rules, fpkm is a numeric value:

array('fpkm, fpkm_conf_lo, fpkm_conf_hi', 'numerical'),

The the CGridView widget in the PointMutationsVarscan view:

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


$dataProvider->pagination = array('pageSize' => 15);


$columns[]= array(

        'name'  => 'patient_gecg_search',


        'type'  => 'raw',



$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(







The problem is that I can’t do a numeric comparison search (> < = etc ) on this belongs to relation column. It only does a string matching search. For example if I search for 123, it will return all the numeric fpkm values that match 123, but if I do <123 or >1 it doesn’t return any records, they way you’d expect for a local parameter.

fpkm is a double precision float in the database. I can use comparison operators on fpkm just fine within the GeneExpressionCufflinksGene model’s own CGridView widget. Comparison operators only fail when searching as a relation through the PointMutationsVarscan model.

Thanks for any insight you might have on this.

Dear glyph

I hope the following changes can make things better.

public function search()


$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


// yada yada

$criteria->with= 'geneExpressionCufflinksGene';          

if($this->patient_gecg_search) {

/*$criteria->compare( 'geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm', $this->patient_gecg_search, true);  



//Set parameter $partialMatch to false

$criteria->compare( 'geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm', $this->patient_gecg_search);  


return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(






                'desc'=>' DESC',




                'desc'=>'geneExpressionCufflinksGene.fpkm DESC',






