Cgridview Auto-Update After Create A Record

Hello all,

I have a CJuiDialog like this code below:

$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array( 



        'title'=>'Add Operation',





        'close'=> 'js: function(event, ui){ window.location = "'.Yii::app()->createUrl('operation/admin').'";}',



I tried to, instead "load" all the page, can i just load the CGridView? like deleteActions on the default admin page that created on Gii.

Sorry if my english is bad.

Thank you.

I was used this concept with iframe


/** Dialog Widget Start With IFrame **/

    $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



        'title'=>'Detail view',






            /** We want this code to update the cgridview **/


       	        $.fn.yiiGridView.update("subscriptionclaims-grid", {

                    data: $(this).serialize()







<!-- Add Iframe -->

<iframe id="grid-frame" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>




/** Dialog Widget End **/



try this code after delete action.
