CGridView and Pagination: Paging not possible if using old dataProvider

Hey guys,

i’m facing a problem making me crazy with CGridView (ok, original i’m using TbGridView, but CGridView has the same problem).

Short: I’m using a CArrayDataProvider stored in the user session. When doing a changeover, the table doesn’t refresh.

Doing like this:


    protected function actionIndex()



    	$dpProvider = $model->wsGetEntries(); //Fetching data from model, returning a CArrayDataProvider

    	Yii::app()->user->setState('dpProvider', $dpProvider );





    protected function actionShowDetails()



    	$dpProvider = Yii::app()->user->getState('dpProvider');

        $this->render("showDetails", array('


                        'dpProvider '=>$dpProvider ,

                        'model'=>$model )





    	<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView',array(


	                        //'dataProvider'=>$dpProvider, // NOT WORKING

	                        'dataProvider'=>new CArrayDataProvider($dpProvider->rawData, // WORKING



								    		'pagination' => $dpProvider->getPagination(),







	                            'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'pagination pagination-sm'),






I already tried:

    protected function actionShowDetails()



        //$currentPage somehow identified


    	$dpProvider = Yii::app()->user->getState('dpProvider');


        $this->render("showDetails", array('


                        'dpProvider '=>$dpProvider ,

                        'model'=>$model )




    	<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView',array(


	                        'dataProvider'=>$dpProvider, // NOT WORKING





	                            'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'pagination pagination-sm'),






And a couple of other ideas… but nothing worked really good, except from instantiating a new CArrayDataProvider.

But usually that’s against my expectations and my style of programming…

Anyone has an idea why it’s not working?

Best regards,


It’s not a good idea to keep objects in session. First check if your data can be serialized because if not restored object might not be what you are expecting. Take a look at php magic methods __sleep and __wakeup.

Thank you, that was really the problem. I didn’t get the point why php can’t manage this, because obviously it’s working, but producing not reasonable errors.

Solved it for me by inheritating Yii Core class CWebUser.


	 * Returns the value of a variable that is stored in user session.


	 * This function is designed to be used by CWebUser descendant classes

	 * who want to store additional user information in user session.

	 * A variable, if stored in user session using {@link setState} can be

	 * retrieved back using this function.


	 * @param string $key variable name

	 * @param mixed $defaultValue default value

	 * @return mixed the value of the variable. If it doesn't exist in the session,

	 * the provided default value will be returned

	 * @see setState


	public function getState($key,$defaultValue=null)



		$return = isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? $_SESSION[$key] : $defaultValue;

		if(substr($return, 0, 10) == '{isObject}' )

			$return = unserialize(substr($return, 10));

		return $return;



	 * Stores a variable in user session.


	 * This function is designed to be used by CWebUser descendant classes

	 * who want to store additional user information in user session.

	 * By storing a variable using this function, the variable may be retrieved

	 * back later using {@link getState}. The variable will be persistent

	 * across page requests during a user session.


	 * @param string $key variable name

	 * @param mixed $value variable value

	 * @param mixed $defaultValue default value. If $value===$defaultValue, the variable will be

	 * removed from the session

	 * @see getState


	public function setState($key,$value,$defaultValue=null)



			$value = '{isObject}'.serialize($value);


			$defaultValue = '{isObject}'.serialize($defaultValue);








That’s working fine.