CGridView - Add sorting to column

I’m sorry, I’m still learning a lot as I go, I don’t know all the terms and whatnot. But I’m working with Multicraft’s Panel, which is written using Yii. In the User’s view, if you’re staff it displays a view like this

I want to be able to sort by the two other columns that currently aren’t filterable. I’ve gathered that they work like this:

The columns have their own classes defined, in the classes, they use RenderDataCellContent functions that get data from a function in the User model based on a function in there.

For example, here’s the View column, Class Component and Model for FTP Access / FTP Username


$cols[] = array(
‘header’=>Yii::t(‘mc’, ‘FTP access / FTP username’),


public function getServerFtpAccess($server, $local = false)
if ($local)
$permissionList = Yii::app()->bridgeDb->createCommand(‘select perms from ftp_user_server where ’
.’server_id=? and user_id=(select id from ftp_user where name=?)’)
->queryColumn(array($server, $this->name));
$permissionList = Yii::app()->bridgeDb->createCommand(‘select perms from ftp_user_server where ’
.’(server_id=0 or server_id=(select id from server where id=? and suspended=0)) ’
.‘and user_id=(select id from ftp_user where name=?)’)
->queryColumn(array($server, $this->name));
$permissions = ‘’;
foreach ($permissionList as $perm)
if (strlen($perm) > strlen($permissions))
$permissions = $perm;
if ($permissions == ‘elradfmw’)
return ‘rw’;
if ($permissions == ‘elr’)
return ‘ro’;
return ‘’;


class FtpAccessDropdownColumn extends CGridColumn
protected function renderDataCellContent($row, $data)
if (Yii::app()->params[‘view_role’] == ‘admin’)
$access = $data->getServerFtpAccess(Yii::app()->params[‘view_server_id’], true);
$options = array(
‘’ => Yii::t(‘mc’, ‘No Access’),
‘ro’ => Yii::t(‘mc’, ‘Read only’),
‘rw’ => Yii::t(‘mc’, ‘Full access’)
echo CHtml::dropDownList(‘ftpAccess_’.$data->id, $access, $options,
array(‘ajax’=>array(‘type’=>‘POST’, ‘data’=>array(‘ajax’=>‘ftpAccess’, ‘user’=>$data->id,
‘success’=>‘js:function(e) {if(e)alert(e);}’), ‘class’=>‘form-control ftp_access’));
echo ’   ‘.CHtml::encode($data->name).’.’.Yii::app()->params[‘view_server_id’];

I’ve tried a lot of different things, largely playing with how I can invoke CSort, but no matter what I do, the heading remains as normal text and is not sortable.

Any help to even start understanding what’s needed here would be super helpful.