Cform Builder And Default Values

Hi everyone

Is there a way to give a CFormInputElement a value before it is rendered?

What I want to do is:

  • Get value from a previous form post (in my example, colegio_id)

  • Use this value to set CFormInputElement ‘colegio_id’

I’ve tried to set the attribute like so:

$alumno_form = new CForm('application.views.pagar.forma_buscar_alumno', $alumno_form_model);

$colegio_id = sprintf('%d', trim(strip_tags($_POST['datos']['colegio_id'])));

$alumno_form->colegio_id = $colegio_id;

But renders empty.

Is this possible?


I have this CFormModel:

class AlumnoBuscarForm extends CFormModel


	public $colegio_id;

	public $nombre;

	public $buscar;


	 * Reglas de validación


	public function rules()


		return array(

			// todos son obligatorias

			array('nombre', 'required', 'message'=>Traductor::t('El campo "{attribute}" no puede ir vacío')),

			// nombre_colegio debe ser minimo 3 caracteres

			array('nombre', 'length', 'min'=>3, 'tooShort'=>Traductor::t('Por favor introduzca un texto válido para el nombre del alumno')),




	 * Nombres de los campos/variables


	public function attributeLabels()


		return array(

			'nombre'=>Traductor::t('Nombre completo'),





And this form:

	return array(
















			'colegio_id'=>array( //<-- this is the CFormInputElement I want to set






				'title'=>Traductor::t('Escriba nombre y apellidos del alumno. Puede usar mayúsculas o minúsculas. No use acentos ni caracteres especiales'),













						'beforeSend'=>"function() {




						'dataType'=> 'json',


						'success'=>'function(data) {

							if (data.estatus==1) {



							} else {




						'complete'=>"function(data) {








And it is rendered like so:

<?php echo $alumno_form->renderBegin() ?>

	<?php echo $alumno_form['colegio_id']->renderInput() ?>

	<div class="paso1">

		<h3><?php echo Traductor::t('Buscar alumno') ?></h3>


			<?php echo $alumno_form['nombre']->renderLabel() ?>

			<?php echo $alumno_form['nombre']->renderInput() ?>

			<?php echo $alumno_form['nombre']->renderError() ?>


	</div><!-- .paso1 -->

	<div class="botonesForm">

		<?php echo $alumno_form->buttons['buscar'] ?>

		<div class="clear"></div>


<?php echo $alumno_form->renderEnd() ?>

The action that creates everything is:

		public function actionBusquedaAlumnos()


			$alumno_form_model = new AlumnoBuscarForm;

			$alumno_form = new CForm('application.views.pagar.forma_buscar_alumno', $alumno_form_model);

			$colegio_id = sprintf('%d', trim(strip_tags($_POST['datos']['colegio_id'])));

			$alumno_form->colegio_id = $colegio_id; //<-- here I try to set colegio id to the value from the POST, nothing is rendered

			$this->render('buscar_alumnos', array(





Got it!

$alumno_form_model = new AlumnoBuscarForm;

$alumno_form_model->colegio_id = $colegio_id;

$alumno_form = new CForm('application.views.pagar.forma_buscar_alumno', $alumno_form_model);

This works