'CException' basePath is not a valid directory

Hi all,

Randomly, I have this error and browser return error 500

This is RANDOMLY, could happen to any working page

below is the error from apache error log

PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /var/lib/yii/1.1.8/base/CApplication.php on line 239 

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'CException' with message 'Application base path "/yii_app_path/html/protected/config/.." is not a valid directory.'

I have tried to google the error but no luck

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Yii version 1.8 and 1.9 tested

PHP Version 5.3.3

yii frameworks are located in /var/lib/yii/ and load it in index.php using absolute path


Do you run any cache engine such as APC or xcache? If so, make sure they are up to date.

It’s Rack Space issue. It’s disappeared after 2 days.

I am facing same problem of Randomly displaying blank page in CentOS server and in the Redhat server. I have installed PHP - APC and it was working.

Can some one help why it is very random? Is it something related to hardware resources? or application problem?

Why php could not identify the directory protected/config and directory only in some situations?

I have been working on this from more than a week, every time when I tune APC it was working fine now, APC is perfect and still I am seeing this issue.