v 0.4.0 works great on my localhost. tried to install it on shared hosting ( they’ve got latest yii version in standard packages in cpanel), could go to /?r=install&step=2 but after that had (after clicking finish link),
Request Timeout
This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout’.
I set in .htaccess
TimeOut 600
php_value max_execution_time 600
what else I can do? could it be database timeout?
a bit disappointed, but anyway great app, still use it locally.
it seems the problem happens only with the install routine, if I copy my local version to the shared hosting, it works just fine. perhaps I will run debugger/profiler to detect the issue.
but it seems like server error because of timeout, so there is no error inside application, so that’s why I’m going to run debugger on install to see where it stumbled.
My problem is related to the production file like i posted above. If manually override your code with the db.php file information the installer worked ( But i also updated the with the files directly)
The first sql statement syntax looks valid to me, in addition, I can run those quires via phpmyadmin. To check this assumption, I will clear mysql_data.sql content and try to run the install script, but again, it causes problems on shared hosting only, runs OK on localhost, maybe it’s worth to check mysql versions…
I guess the error occurs when ob_get_level is disabled on shared hosting …
there something else… I made the mistake of using methods ob_*() without using ob_start() … if you have free time you can try making the following changes on databaseConfiguration file