
v 0.4.0 works great on my localhost. tried to install it on shared hosting ( they’ve got latest yii version in standard packages in cpanel), could go to /?r=install&step=2 but after that had (after clicking finish link),

Request Timeout

This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout’.

I set in .htaccess

TimeOut 600

php_value max_execution_time 600

what else I can do? could it be database timeout?

a bit disappointed, but anyway great app, still use it locally.

Time outs normally occur because something went wrong.

But could happen if you’re loading a huge MySQL file to build the db, but in this case I doubt that is the case since it doesn’t have any demo data.

it seems the problem happens only with the install routine, if I copy my local version to the shared hosting, it works just fine. perhaps I will run debugger/profiler to detect the issue.

Vit78 can you give me more details ?? I’m testing on different machines but I can’t get the error…

this is the error

but it seems like server error because of timeout, so there is no error inside application, so that’s why I’m going to run debugger on install to see where it stumbled.

I got v4 installed the same as v3.

Installer didn’t work for me.

Hi guys…

could tell me which version of mysql are you using?

Mysql 5.0.8

Php 5.3.8

is that for shared hosting or localhost ?? …

I’m ask, cuz I think the error it’s caused by sql query… ohh, i’m not sure yet

I’m using

insert into table (field1, field2) values ​​(1.2),



when it should

insert into (field1, field2) values ​​(1.2);

insert into (field1, field2) values ​​(3.4);

insert into (field1, field2) values ​​(5.6);

I used localhost/~user/celistic/

My problem is related to the production file like i posted above. If manually override your code with the db.php file information the installer worked (??? But i also updated the with the files directly)

Hey SapporoGuy

to change between dev and production you have to edit celestic/index.php - YII_DEBUG true of false … db.php its used by prod and dev environments…

It’s almost the same configuration… the main differents are logs messages

I’ll check that.

The first sql statement syntax looks valid to me, in addition, I can run those quires via phpmyadmin. To check this assumption, I will clear mysql_data.sql content and try to run the install script, but again, it causes problems on shared hosting only, runs OK on localhost, maybe it’s worth to check mysql versions…

I guess that’s a problem with mysql versions …

I’m making changes in queries using generic sql statements…

Server version: 5.5.16 - working copy

MySQL version 5.1.61-cll - shared hosting (not working)

I made some tests and found an error or issue somewhere in the file mysql_schema.sql (when I exclude this file, everything’s OK)

I’ll try to exclude some sql statements and locate the problem.

phew, this was a tough one! nothing wrong with sql.

I located the problem in the


commented out lines 36-39

// 				while (ob_get_level() > 0)

// 				{

// 				   ob_end_flush();

//  				}

looks like an indefinite loop.

According to http://au.php.net/ma...b-get-level.php ob_get_level has a quite funny behaviour.

The stars just are not in my favor on shared hosting :blink:

Hope it helps if someone has the same problem with installation.

Thnx for testing Vit78 …!!

I guess the error occurs when ob_get_level is disabled on shared hosting …

there something else… I made the mistake of using methods ob_*() without using ob_start() … if you have free time you can try making the following changes on databaseConfiguration file

//line 15 ..


//line 36 ..

while (@ob_get_level() > 0)

Hi Jack,

Your patch hasn’t helped, I’ve got a time-out again(((

Oh, man, you make me to do weird things, I mean reading docs))

ob_get_level always returns 1 or greater value for PHP with setting zlib.output_compression to "On".

I have gzip compression on my shared hosting.

So, it would be nice if you modify your script to check compression somehow

if (zlib_get_coding_type())

	$limit = 1;


	$limit = 0;

while (ob_get_level() > $limit)



this works for both shared and local hosting (at least for me))


Damn it…!!

thank you man for your help… I’ve tested in 4 different servers and never got the error…

now with your correction… i’ll update the code and upload in the next version…

Hi Jack,

Very nice application, thanks for sharing it with us.

I really want to try to work with it involving my team.

Sadly, something is missing for me: a help file.

Not for installing but for using the application.

Do you have something that explain in depth the logic behind the app?

On first impression all is clear, but if you want to start a real environment, you have to know exactly the logic.

Looking forward for your answer,
