CDetailView How to Create Links to Files?

Ok here we go, below is my detail view and I have the filename stored in the database and I am trying to link to the file. but the code below produces the url with the proper directory but not the filename.

ie it currently shows

and it should be Class.doc

How do I fix?

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(



















            'value'=>CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->filename), Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/'.$model->filename->filename)),



)); ?>

Anyone know how to do this?

For anyone needing the answer to this here it is:

the key was:

Declaring the path before the attaching the filename in the link.

<?php $path =Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/images/'; ?>



            'value'=>CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->filename), $path .$model->filename)),


<h1>View Assets #<?php echo $model->id; ?></h1>

<?php $path =Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/images/'; ?>

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(



















            'value'=>CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->filename), $path .$model->filename)),



)); ?>