CDbCriteria PARAM_PREFIX suggestion

When using CDbCriteria combined with ‘with’ for other CDbCriteria and their own params, it would be nice to be able to define the PARAM_PREFIX for each given criteria.

Currently, if I have two CDbCriteria’s with separate params using the ‘with’ function, it simply does not work since the param names are the same on both CDbCriteria’s (i.e. :ycp0, :ycp1, etc).

Criteria 1:

$criteria1 = new CDBCriteria;


$criteria1->compare('COLUMN1', $value1, TRUE);


Criteria 2:

$criteria2 = new CDBCriteria;


$criteria2->compare('COLUMN1', $value2, TRUE);


$criteria2->with = $criteria1;

If one could supply the prefix initially, I think it could be highly useful.

