Cdbcriteria Limit Not Working

[left]Hi! I’m newbie in Yii. I’m having a problem with a search function with limit.

The model function:


  • Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.

  • @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models based on the search/filter conditions.


public function search($number)


$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

$criteria->limit = $number;

$criteria->offset = 0;

return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(




The controller function calling to search

[i]public function actionReadItems($number = 200)


$links = new Links;

$l = $links->search($number)->getData();


In table links, there are 10 items, the $number parameter is 2, but I get 10 items as a result instead of 2. What I’m doing wrong?

When I print what is in $criteria:



[select] => '*'

[distinct] => false

[condition] => ''

[params] => array()

[limit] => '2'

[offset] => 0

[order] => ''

[group] => ''

[join] => ''

[having] => ''

[with] => null

[alias] => null

[together] => null

[index] => null

[scopes] => null

[CComponent:_e] => null

[CComponent:_m] => null



Use the pagination’s pageSize variable:

public function search($number)


  $criteria=new CDbCriteria;

  return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


    'pagination' => array(

      'pageSize' => $number




‘criteria’ is defined as an integer; but it is shown as text.

[limit] => '2'

[offset] => 0

[order] => ''

Could it be that $number is somehow set to ASCII 2?