Ccheckbox Column Values Through Javascript/jquery


$form=$this->beginWidget(‘CActiveForm’, array(







echo CHtml::submitButton(‘PrintSites’, array(‘name’ => ‘PrintSites’,‘onclick’=>‘return Sendchk()’));

    &#036;this-&gt;widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(



    'summaryText' =&gt; 'Displaying {start} - {end} of {count} result(s).',












<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>


function Sendchk()






I want to check whether any checkboxes are selected or not when some one clicks the print button without selecting any check boxes and I want to give an alert message when it is clicked. Is there any way to do it with ccheckboxcolumn?

I wrote javascript function for checkbox to select minimum one box.

function Checkbox_Selection_Value_From_Group (){

   selectids= $(\"input[name='yourgroupname[]']:checked\").map(function() { 

            return this.value; 



        alert('Select Minimum One Check Box');

        return false;


	// You Will get comma separated value		

        // 1,2






In yii, using your function

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('printjs', "

function Sendchk(){

   var selectids= $(\"input[name='yourgroupname[]']:checked\").map(function() { 

            return this.value; 



        alert('Select Minimum One Check Box');

        return false;


	// You Will get comma separated value	1,2







Thanks bala, what’s the ‘yourgroupname[]’ mentioned in the input tag, name of the ccheckbox column? and I am new to Yii, where to use the Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript function?

see this link and see the code on header

"Sample code for ajaxButton 2:"