is there any simple way to make php errors catchable like exceptions? How can i replace application error handler with one that will not display php error but will throw exceptions with it?
is there any simple way to make php errors catchable like exceptions? How can i replace application error handler with one that will not display php error but will throw exceptions with it?
In Yii 1.0.6 guide, see the section about 'Handling Errors Using an Action'
Thanks, but its not suitable for me. I need to catch php errors in my console app to make proper shutdown in case of error. Not to display error.
try{ set_error_handler(create_function('', "throw new Exception(); return true;")); //error generator } catch (Exception $e) { /*...*/} restore_error_handler();
Yes, but i thought that i can do the same with some Yii api.
Yii already catches PHP errors and throws exceptions (See CApplication::initSystemHandlers). However, not all PHP errors can be caught.
Yes, Yii catches PHP errors, but it does not convert them into exceptions but displays instead. I cant see any "throw $e" in CErrorHandler::handleError(). Sorry for my stubbornness but i cant get a thing.
To make it clear: i need to catch php errors like exceptions in such situation:
<?php try { fopen($nonExistentFile, 'r'); } catch(Exception $e) { } ?>So im looking for api compatible way to make CErrorHandler::handleError throwing exceptions.
You are right that Yii handles PHP errors rather than throwing exceptions. I think you need to use the approach suggested by imasia.
Ок then, thanks for replies.
Its not handy to write this code each time i need it. I will think about extending CErrorHandler class instead.
I can write in my config something like that, can i?
'errorHandler'=>array( 'class'=>'MyCErrorHandler' )
Yes, that's better.
Thank you, guys. This topic helped me quite a bit!