Captcha Options ( character width)

You can change the captcha via the object setting in the controller. It was not very clear how to set it.

    public function actions()
    return [
        'error' => [
            'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction',
        'captcha' => [
            'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
            'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,
			'offset' => 5,
			'height' => 100,

This is a set so far

     'captcha' => array(  
                'class' => 'CCaptchaAction',  
                'backColor' => 0xFFFFFF, // background color  
                'foreColor' => 0x000000, // font color  
                'transparent' => false, // background transparent  
                'testLimit' => 1, // how many times should the same CAPTCHA be displayed  
                'minLength' => 6, // min length of generated word  
                'maxLength' => 7, // max length of generated word  
                'width' => 100, // width of the CAPTCHA image  
                'height' => 50, // height of the CAPTCHA image  
                'offset' => -2, // space between characters  
                'padding' => 4 // padding around the text  

Hi There,

Please use the same params or you can refer here:
