Can't use function return value in write context

what’s the problem with my code?




foreach($lesson as Lesson::getAllLessons()):

    echo CHtml::link($lesson,"?r=lesson&type=".$lesson,array("title"=>$lessons)) . "<br />";



lesson model:


class Lesson extends CActiveRecord


    public static function model($class=__CLASS__)


        return parent::model($class);



    public static function isLessonInList($name)


        return in_array($name, self::$lessons);



    public function tableName()


        return "lessons";



    public static function getAllLessons()


        return self::model()->findAll();




how can i fix the fatal error?


I think there is a problem with your foreach… try this:


foreach(Lesson::getAllLessons() as $lesson):

    echo CHtml::link($lesson,"?r=lesson&type=".$lesson,array("title"=>$lessons)) . "<br />";



but it’s also a good practice to check if getAllLessons() are not empty with an if statement.

hope it helps,


NOTE: renamed post title to something meaningful and moved to proper sub-forum (General Discussion instead of Tips, Snippets and Tutorials)