I’m trying to upload the some .docx and rtf files. But I can’t get Yii to accept the mimeTypes. It works for .doc and text though. Not sure what is wrong, wonderd if anyone else could help. I’m using XAMPP if that helps too.
array('file', 'file', 'on' => 'insert', 'safe'=>true, 'maxSize'=> 512000, 'maxFiles'=> 1,
'mimeTypes' => 'application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/rtf, text/plain',
'tooLarge'=> 'File cannot be larger than 500KB.',
'wrongMimeType'=> 'Format must be:<code>.doc</code> <code>.docx</code> <code>.txt</code> <code>.rtf</code>'),