Can't pass information from one fixture to other

Hi there, I’m trying to insert test data into the database, but when I try to insert a value with a foreign key brand me an error: Exception ‘yii \ base \ UnknownPropertyException’ with message ‘Getting unknown property: test \ unit \ fixtures \ EmpresasFixture :: class’

I can’t pass values from one table to another, deputy codes that I am using.

This is the code of User and work well when i run

yii fixture/load User



namespace tests\unit\fixtures;

use yii\test\ActiveFixture;

class UserFixture extends ActiveFixture


    public $modelClass = 'common\models\User';




return [

    'user1' => [

        'username' => 'lmayeart',

        'auth_key' => 'K3nF70it7tzNsHddEiq0BZ0i-OU8S3xV',

        'email' => '',

        'status' => '10',



My problem is when i try to insert information in Empresas table using “user1” as foreign key it give problem because i can’t use the User information as property:



namespace tests\unit\fixtures;

use yii\test\ActiveFixture;

use tests\unit\fixtures\UserFixture;

class EmpresasFixture extends ActiveFixture


    public $modelClass = 'frontend\models\Empresas';

    public $depends = ['tests\unit\fixtures\UserFixture'];

    public function fixtures()


        return [

            'user' => [

                'class' => UserFixture::className(),

                'dataFile' => '@app/tests/unit/fixtures/data/user.php',







return [

    'empresa1' => [

        'user_id' => $this->class['user1'],

        'cuenta' => 'cuenta 1',

        'status' => 'activo',



And when i run

yii fixture/load User

give me this error: “Exception ‘yii\base\UnknownPropertyException’ with message ‘Getting unknown property: tests\unit\fixtures\EmpresasFixture::profiles’”

Hope you can help me

Warm Regards