Calling A View Attribute From The Controller

hi all,

I am trying to get the selected value off a drop down list and into an action in my controller.

in my view i have a table which contains a set of drop downs,

part of my view:-




    <b>Select Class</b>


        $sql='SELECT s.classId 

              FROM schoolclasses s 

              WHERE s.classId NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT c.classId 

                                      FROM classtimetable c)';





        echo $form->dropDownList($model,'classId',CHtml::listData($command->query(), 'classId', 'classId'), array('empty'=>'---Class---','style' => 'width:100px;')); 









        echo $form->dropDownList($model,'[mon_p1]subjectName', CHtml::listData(Subjects::model()->findAll(), 'subjectName', 'subjectName'), array('empty'=>'---Subject---','style' => 'width:100px;')); 





        echo $form->dropDownList($model,"[tue_p1]subjectName", CHtml::listData(Subjects::model()->findAll(), 'subjectName', 'subjectName'), array('empty'=>'---Subject---','style' => 'width:100px;')); 



my controller:-

public function actionFullCreate() 


       $model=  Classtimetable::model();










                   [b] $m_p1=$_POST['Classtimetable']['[mon_p1]subjectName'];[/b]




            catch (CDbException $e)



                        alert('Entry already exists');








        throw new CHttpException(401,'You are not authorized to perform this function .   ');




But when i execute my action, i get a php notice saying

Where do i have to define [mon_p1]subjectName?

The model contains an attribute called subjectName, but i want to get a set of subject names and insert it onto the DB in one go.

Can someone help me get it fixed?.

Thanks a lot, for your time!

Cheerz! :)

Found it! posting here hoping someone will find it useful… :)


Hope i didnt waste anyone’s time…

Thanks a lot…


P.S : use printr($_POST) in your controller for debugging… :)