Call Stored Procedure With Output Parameters In Yii


I need to call a stored procedure with output parameters and tried below two methods,

$message = 'ssssss';

$sub_id = 10;

$prize_id = 41;

$command = $connection->createCommand("CALL Proc_testsp(:sub_id,:dynmessage, @dynmessage_replaced, :prize_id)");





$valueOut = $connection->createCommand("select @dynmessage_replaced as result;")->queryScalar();

echo $valueOut;

and also

$message = '[Coming_Draw_month]###[%_share]';

$sub_id = 10;

$prize_id = 41;

$command = $connection->createCommand("CALL Proc_testsp(:sub_id,:dynmessage, :dynmessage_replaced, :prize_id)"); 



$command->bindParam(':dynmessage_replaced', $dynmessage_replaced, PDO::PARAM_STR|PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, '');



echo $dynmessage_replaced;

Both are not working. Am I missing something ? Please advise

Your second shot should be okay, I was using something like that but with the last param as length:

$cmd->bindParam(':error_desc', $err_msg, PDO::PARAM_STR | PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, 2000);