Call function from another function

I have two function

public function test()


$characters = 10;

$telephone = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $telephone);



   list($start, $end) = explode('-', $this->telephone); 

for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) 


      $_this->telephone = $i;


} else {

 	$this->telephone = $this->telephone;



public function test2()


how to call function test1 here


HOW TO CALL FUNCTION test1 in test2 and print function test1?

The first function you posted doesn’t return anything.

Actually I don’t know what you are trying to do. In the first function you set $this->telephone, so in second function you probably want to call $this->telephone again?

// But for the actual question:

public function test2()


   echo $this->test();


This really depends on where these two functions are located.

If you have just two functions in a file (a php file) then this is the standard:

function test()


     some code


function test2()


     some code

     // run test function



It’s that simple, now the complication is when you have them situated in classes (which is most of any framework)

Then you reference the functions by a $this-> call method. Example:

class example


     // same thing applies with variables defined in the class

     private $sample;

     private function test()


          $this->sample = 'Hello';

          echo $this->sample;


    private function test2()


          some code

          // run test function




Now it gets one step further in complication and this is where you’ll see it’s applied all over the framework. What if you want to call those functions within a function in another class?

Well then you have to instantiate that class? That’s why you see

 $model= new Posts();

a lot where Posts is the name of the model. So you can then alter the attributes (variables) in the class by $model->attribute or run the functions by $model->function().

Now if you have to call a function of a class that’s only initiated once or is already running (true for lots of applications in Yii) then you have this format:


or if the class instantiates another class


Hope that helps, if you’re new I highly suggest reading some OOP basics to learn the framework because it’s heavy in OOP structure.

Uhm, sorry guys. This is really related to Yii 1.1.x ? :rolleyes:


These are basic PHP questions, not yii specific. So maybe our general PHP section is more apropriate: