Call For Module Template From Application

What I want is to have the menu, footer and header from the main site, while the content belong to the template of a module. So which can be done and how?

  • From the main application template (views), call for a sub-template (a view, not the layout) which belong to a module


  • From a module template (views), call for a template which belong to the main application

I get that a module is a self-contained application, but is there anyway to connect it to the main application?


Ok, after searching a bit. I found that you can do like this from the view of a module:


With double slash "/", it will call for the view of the main application under view_folder/a_view.php

While with a single slash


It will call for the view inside this same module.

Still searching if there is any way for a main view to call for a module view or views betweens modules.

Dear Friend

I hope that following is what you are looking for.

From main application, we can render a view inside a module.



Thanks, it works. This should be include in the module wiki.


Nice Solution