Calculate field activeform


so once again i would like a bit of help.

i want to get “cost” from qty and cost per item

<?= $form->field($model, 'qty')->textInput()->label('Qty') ?>

   <?= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'form-group field-costeach']) ?>
<?= Html::label('Cost Per Item:', 'costeach', ['class' => 'control-label']) ?>
<?= Html::textInput('QuoteDetail[costeach]', '', ['id' => 'costeach', 'class' => 'form-control']) ?>
<?= Html::endTag('div') ?>

     <?= $form->field($model, 'cost')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ->label('Total Cost')?> 

and then i have this in a js file. but nothing is happening

$(function() {
     $('#quotedetail-qty').keyup(function() { 

    $('#costeach').keyup(function() {  

    var updateTotal = function () {
    var qty = parseInt($('#quotedetail-qty').val());
    var amount = parseInt($('#costeach').val());
    var totalAmount = qty * amount;

    if (isNaN(totalAmount) || totalAmount < 0 || totalAmount > 100000) {
        totalAmount = '';



Hi Abilham,

Here is the updated script below

    //Put the function on top of the single execution construct
var updateTotal = function () {
    var qtyStr = parseInt($('#quotedetail-qty').val());
    var amountStr = parseInt($('#costeach').val());
    var qty = isNaN(qtyStr) ? 0 : qtyStr;
    var amount = isNaN(amountStr) ? 0 : amountStr;
    var totalAmount = qty * amount;
    if (totalAmount > 100000) {
        totalAmount = '';
//Now go ahead do catch the keyup events
$(document).on('keypress', '#quotedetail-qty', function () {
})on('keypress', '#costeach', function () {

Thank you!

I have tried but it just doesn’t seem to trigger


use backend\assets\AppAsset;


Asset file

class AppAsset extends AssetBundle
    public $basePath = '@webroot';
    public $baseUrl = '@themes';
    public $css = [
    public $js = [
    public $depends = [

JS file

//Put the function on top of the single execution construct
var updateTotal = function () {
var qtyStr = parseInt($('#quotedetail-qty').val());
var amountStr = parseInt($('#costeach').val());
var qty = isNaN(qtyStr) ? 0 : qtyStr;
var amount = isNaN(amountStr) ? 0 : amountStr;
var totalAmount = qty * amount;
if (totalAmount > 100000) {
    totalAmount = '';
//Now go ahead do catch the keyup events
$(document).on('keypress', '#quotedetail-qty', function () {
})on('keypress', '#costeach', function () {

Hi Abilham,

Please check that the jQuery selectors are exactly matching with your forms ? as well make sure the _form is not loaded via ajax.!



The form is loaded by AJAX.

Is thus the problem?

Just realised its bot this form thats loaded by AJAX

Hi Abilham,

then you trigger the events on document onload or setTimeout function construct.
