I’m wondering if it’s possible to have CActiveRecord::findAll() return an array of arrays rather than objects. For instance if I want just a list of ids and titles from a table to output to an html element having a list of objects seems well wrong when an array would do.
I thought of doing something like the following, but unfortunately I can’t override the private query method Anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this? I’m pretty much brand new to Yii so there might be some easy way to do this that I completely overlooked :\
$list = Model::model()->as_array()->findAll();
class Model extends GactiveRecord { blah blah blah... }
class GActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord
protected $_as_array = false;
public function as_array() {
$this->_as_array = true;
return $this;
private function query($criteria,$all=false)
if ( $this->_as_array === true )
return $all ? $command->queryAll() : $command->queryRow();
return $all ? $this->populateRecords($command->queryAll()) : $this->populateRecord($command->queryRow());
This is exactly what I want to do. It just seems, without having done any benchmarks, that it would be far less efficient with a large list of CActiveRecord objects versus arrays. Perhaps the difference is negligible and it’s a non-issue.
public function getAllAsArray ($columns=false)
$columns = is_array($columns) ? implode(',', $columns) : '*';
return Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT '.$columns.' FROM '.self::tableName().' WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY common_name')->queryAll();
But this now prevents me from using all the other fancy methods that come with CActiveRecord. I guess I’ll just have to live with objects… it’s probably not a big difference anyway.
CHtml::listData only prepares data for suitable html elements. If you need more data (like 5 fields to use from CActiveRecord), there is a simple way to run a query against CAtiveRecord automagic IF you have specified your criteria with CDbCriteria:
so, instead of
$data = Model::model()->findAll($criteria); //we get array of objects
we have
$tableSchema = Model::model()->getTableSchema();
$command = Model::model()->getCommandBuilder()->createFindCommand($tableSchema, $criteria);
$data = $command->queryAll(); //we get array of arrays