class MyActiveDataProvider extends CActiveDataProvider {
protected function calculateTotalItemCount() {
if ($baseCriteria!==null)
$baseCriteria=clone $baseCriteria;
//You can get real records count only in this way (when you use JOIN and GROUP BY)
return $count;
model search function
public function searchbygroup()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
//custom query
$criteria->select=array('*,concat(documentid,"_",userid) as groupid,count(documentid) as downloadcount');
//Add Different Condition
$criteria->addCondition("documentid IN ('$this->documentid')");
// group by , if need
//return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array( 'criteria'=>$criteria, ));
return new MyActiveDataProvider($this,array('criteria'=>$criteria));
I’m a newbie, my apologies, but where I have to change your code so I can calculate the score based on the average of three columns from another table?