CActiveDataProvider contains unwanted data

Hi, i’m using CActiveDataProvider to fetch objects from DB.

the code is:

$menus=new CActiveDataProvider('MenuItem', array(


		        'with'=>array('plans' => array(

				'condition'=>'plan.startDate < '.time().' and plan.endDate > '.time(),

				'order'=>'plan.priority desc',

				'joinType'=>'INNER JOIN',



			'order'=>'t.menuItemID desc',







the relationship between objects are:

MenuItem & plans:

‘plans’ => array(self::HAS_MANY, ‘MenuItemPlan’, ‘menuItemID’, ‘with’=>‘plan’),

MenuItemPlan & plan:

‘plan’=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, ‘MenuPlan’, ‘menuPlanID’, ‘joinType’=>‘INNER JOIN’),

the runtime log:


 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `t`.`menuItemID`) FROM `menu_item` `t` 

INNER JOIN `menu_item_plan` `plans` ON

(`plans`.`menuItemID`=`t`.`menuItemID`)  INNER JOIN `menu_plan` `plan` ON

(`plans`.`menuPlanID`=`plan`.`menuPlanID`)  WHERE (plan.startDate <

1299677950 and plan.endDate > 1299677950)


SELECT `t`.`menuItemID` AS `t0_c0`, `t`.`vendorID` AS

`t0_c1`, `t`.`menuName` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`menuPic` AS `t0_c3`, `t`.`status`

AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`addedDate` AS `t0_c5`, `t`.`modifiedDate` AS `t0_c6`,

`t`.`description` AS `t0_c7` FROM `menu_item` `t`  ORDER BY t.menuItemID

desc LIMIT 2


SELECT `t`.`menuItemID` AS `t0_c0`, `plans`.`menuItemPlan` AS

`t1_c0`, `plans`.`menuPlanID` AS `t1_c1`, `plans`.`menuItemID` AS `t1_c2`,

`plans`.`planedQuantity` AS `t1_c3`, `plans`.`price` AS `t1_c4`,

`plan`.`menuPlanID` AS `t2_c0`, `plan`.`startDate` AS `t2_c1`,

`plan`.`endDate` AS `t2_c2`, `plan`.`priority` AS `t2_c3`,

`plan`.`createTime` AS `t2_c4`, `plan`.`vendorID` AS `t2_c5`,

`plan`.`title` AS `t2_c6` FROM `menu_item` `t` INNER JOIN `menu_item_plan`

`plans` ON (`plans`.`menuItemID`=`t`.`menuItemID`)  INNER JOIN `menu_plan`

`plan` ON (`plans`.`menuPlanID`=`plan`.`menuPlanID`)  WHERE

(`t`.`menuItemID` IN ('14', '13')) AND (plan.startDate < 1299677950 and

plan.endDate > 1299677950) ORDER BY plan.priority desc

and i log getItemCount and getTotalItemCount of CActiveDataProvider:

we got menus in current page:2

we got menus total:3

I confirm that Query3 returns only 1 row as I run it directly against MySQL server.

the question is: I should only get 1 item in current page as Query3 indicates. why I get 2 items for this page? (and 2 more on the next page)

and more confused if I change to show 4 items per page:

we got menus in current page:4

we got menus total:3

the items in current page are more than the total!

Yii version: yii-1.1.6.r2877