C# Friendly Yii Web service

I am attempting to write a Yii web service that takes no parameters and returns an array of objects.

The web service will be consumed from .net so I would like to be able to write a simple test .net application to demonstrate that it works.

Currently I have a Controller for my web service and a Class for the array of objects. By default Yii seems to return the array of objects like print_r would return it instead of an XML document with a soap envelope like C# seems to expect based on the wsdl.

Am I supposed to create the soap envelope and XML from scratch? I have looked at the phonebook example and it seems to respond with the same type of text encoded array of objects as my application does instead of soap envelope xml.

I cannot seem to find anything in the documentation relating to what I should expect as a response from yii web services but it does not seem to be XML based on the examples I have looked at.

A Controller For my web services


class ServicesController extends Controller {

    public function actions() {

        return array(

            'branches' => array(

                'class' => 'CWebServiceAction',








     * @return Branchlisting[]

     * @soap


    public function GetAllBranches() {

        $branches = Branch::model()->findAll();

        foreach ($branches as $branch) {

            $address = "";

            if ($branch->address_line1 != "") {

                $address = $branch->address_line1;


            if ($branch->address_line2 != "") {

                if ($address != "") {

                    $address .= ", ";


                $address .= $branch->address_line2;


            if ($branch->address_line3 != "") {

                if ($address != "") {

                    $address .= ", ";


                $address .= $branch->address_line3;


            if ($branch->address_line4 != "") {

                if ($address != "") {

                    $address .= ", ";


                $address .= $branch->address_line4;


            $branchHoursSunday = Branchhour::model()->find("branchId = '{$branch->id}' and day_number = 0");

            $branchHoursSaturday = Branchhour::model()->find("branchId = '{$branch->id}' and  day_number = 6");

            $branchHoursWeekday  = Branchhour::model()->find("branchId = '{$branch->id}' and  day_number = 1");

            $branchHoursPublicHoliday = Branchhour::model()->find("branchId = '{$branch->id}' and  day_number = 7");

            $WeekDayHours = "";

            $branchListings[] = new Branchlisting (











                ($branch->is_airport == 1 ? "true" : "false"),





        return $branchListings;




    public function actionTestservice()


        $client=new SoapClient(<webservice url>);

        $result = $client->GetAllBranches();





A Class for the object array


class Branchlisting



     * @var string BranchName

     * @soap


    public $BranchName;


     * @var string Address

     * @soap


    public $Address;


     * @var string TelNo

     * @soap


    public $TelNo;


     * @var string FaxNo

     * @soap


    public $FaxNo;


     * @var string Province

     * @soap


    public $Province;


     * @var string xCode

     * @soap


    public $xCode;


     * @var string Contact

     * @soap


    public $Contact;


     * @var string WeekDayHours

     * @soap


    public $WeekDayHours;


     * @var string SaturdayHours

     * @soap


    public $SaturdayHours;


     * @var string SundayHours

     * @soap


    public $SundayHours;


     * @var string IsAirport

     * @soap


    public $IsAirport;


     * @var string PublicHolidayHours

     * @soap


    public $PublicHolidayHours;


    public function __construct($aBranchName=null, $aAddress=null, $aTelNo=null, $aFaxNo=null, $aProvince=null, $axCode=null, $aContact=null, $aWeekDayHours=null, $aSaturdayHours=null, $aSundayHours=null, $aIsAirport=null, $aPublicHolidayHours=null) 


        $this->BranchName = $aBranchName;

        $this->Address = $aAddress;

        $this->TelNo = $aTelNo;

        $this->FaxNo = $aFaxNo;

        $this->Province = $aProvince;

        $this->xCode = $axCode;

        $this->Contact = $aContact;

        $this->WeekDayHours = self::branchHoursToString($aWeekDayHours);

        $this->SaturdayHours = self::branchHoursToString($aSaturdayHours);

        $this->SundayHours = self::branchHoursToString($aSundayHours);

        $this->IsAirport = $aIsAirport;

        $this->PublicHolidayHours = self::branchHoursToString($aPublicHolidayHours);



    private static function branchHoursToString($oBranchHours) {

        if (is_object($oBranchHours)) {

            if ($oBranchHours->open_time == "00:00:00" && $oBranchHours->close_time == "00:00:00") {

                $hoursstring = "-";                

            } else {

                $hoursstring = substr($oBranchHours->open_time,0,5);

                if ((int)substr($oBranchHours->open_time, 0, 2) < 12) {

                    $hoursstring .= " AM";

                } else {

                    $hoursstring .= " PM";


                $hoursstring .= " - ";

                $hoursstring .= substr($oBranchHours->close_time,0,5);

                if ((int)substr($oBranchHours->close_time, 0, 2) < 12) {

                    $hoursstring .= " AM";

                } else {

                    $hoursstring .= " PM";




        return $hoursstring;



I was very confused when I wrote this post and has since solved my problem, I now have a Yii web service and a .net test client that works great.

A Soap envelope is surrounding the messages sent between Soap server and Soap client.

Years ago, for a quick test I adapted a system generated stub. Thus, not all attributes may be mandatory

using System;

[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(Name="ItemControllerBinding", Namespace="urn:ItemControllerwsdl")]

public partial class itemsWS : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol


    public itemsWS()


      this.Url = "http://mysite/myapp/index.php?r=item/itemsWS&ws=1";






    public string getFirstItem() 


        object[] results = this.Invoke("getFirstItem", new object[0]);

        return ((string)(results[0]));






Glad you solved it


The call

public class test


  static void Main()


    itemsWS ws = new itemsWS();

    string s = ws.getFirstItem();




(I didn’t have Visual Studio installed when performing this test)