I think it would be relevant to create a new [font="Courier New"]button[/font] helper. Not to generate an [font="Courier New"]input[/font] element, but a [font="Courier New"]button[/font] element.
Actually, if I’m thinking about it, it’s because of the [font=“Courier New”]linkButton[/font] helper which generates a kind of link without any [font=“Courier New”]href[/font] and submits a form thanks to javascript. If you disable javascript, you disable the submission.
With a [font=“Courier New”]button[/font] element with a [font=“Courier New”]type[/font] attribute set to [font=“Courier New”]submit[/font], the submission would still be enabled and we would have an easy element to customize, as well. As I understand the HTML DTD, form controls are inline elements. So they can be anywhere in the document, not necessarily in a form element (it passes html validation). That’s why I think it would be relevant to create a new [font=“Courier New”]button[/font] helper or better to modify the [font=“Courier New”]linkButton[/font] helper.
As semantic web suggests, links only should be used when data is received, not modified. To manipulate server resources, it is more acceptable to show control items as buttons.
Don’t forget however, that non-ajax requests can be implemented as simple forms with hidden parameters.
Well, I’ve already checked it and checked again. I don’t use yii framework for a long time, I still don’t understand everything. So, I’m maybe wrong. But [font=“Courier New”]CHtml::button()[/font] and its cousins generate [font=“Courier New”]<input type=“button|reset|submit|image” />[/font] and not [font=“Courier New”]<button type=“reset|submit|image” />[/font]. Or at least I didn’t succeed to create a [font=“Courier New”]button[/font] element thanks to [font=“Courier New”]CHtml::button()[/font]. If we can, I’m sorry for this proposal.