Building Authorization Data with RBAC


I created my tables ‘RBAC’ by according to this article :

Now I want to Building Authorization Data (

And I try to add createPost permission with RBAC on yii2.0

So I’m on mysite/index.php?r=admin%2Fpermission%2Fcreate

And I fill like this :

Name : createPermission

Rule Name : createPost

Description : add "createPost" permission

Data : NuLL/Empty I did not put anything

and I click on Create button

but I have a following message : [color="#FF0000"]Rule "createPost" does not exists[/color]

Have Can I fill my tables RBAC ?



Could you me give some idea : how can I fill forms of Building Authorization Data ?







Do you have some exemple ?

Which form is first one for fill ?


As said before, I never used RBAC (and is still learning Yii2).

I found this extension. Perhaps it can be useful if you add it to another application and try it.

If you don’t have a rule — don’t fill it.


Here what I did :

on /index.php?r=admin/permission :

by mySql table : [color="#008080"]auth_item[/color]

I think it is for Role

I created 2 action/role + superAdmin + userConnecte like thbis :

Name : createPost

Description : Create a post

Rule Name : empty / nothing	

Data : empty / nothing

Name : updatePost

Description : Update post

Rule Name : empty / nothing	

Data : empty / nothing

Name : superAdmin

Description : superAdmin can create and update post

Rule Name : empty / nothing	

Data : empty / nothing

Name : userGuest

Description : userGuest can only create post

Rule Name : empty / nothing	

Data : empty / nothing

So I have 4 recordings / ROLE on the table : [color="#008080"]auth_item[/color] :)

And I can done permission at superAdmin to createPost and updatePost

So I clicked on ‘update’ icon of superAdmin and click on ‘Update’ button :

On this page : index.php?r=admin%2Fpermission%2Fview&id=superAdmin

I selectede permission available : createPost and updatePost and clicked on ‘Assign’ button and then click on ‘Update’ button

So I have 2 recordings on the table : [color="#008080"]auth_item_child[/color]

1st : 

parent : superAdmin

child : createPost

2nd : 

parent : superAdmin

child : updatePost

I can assign admin right [superAdmin] or user right [userGuest] to some users :

So on /index.php?r=admin/assignment

I selected a user clicking by View icon :

On this page : /index.php?r=admin%2Fassignment%2Fview&id=2

I selected permission available : superAdmin and click on ‘Assign’ button

So I have 1 recording on the table : [color="#008080"]auth_assignment[/color]

Item_name : superAdmin

user_id : 2

on /index.php?r=admin

I can see my user with his permission and I can change it

It is very nice :D

Hi Samdark,

What is it exactly [color="#8B0000"]a rule [/color]?

For exemple have I can have a rule for createPost ?

  • Name : createPost

  • Description : Create a post

  • Rule Name : empty / nothing

  • Data : empty / nothing

And what is it a [color="#FF0000"]Data[/color] ? par exemple what I must fill in a Data for createPost ?



I hope you are wery well :)

[font="Arial Black"]here is my resume :[/font]

I create, for exemple, two permission on following URL : index.php?r=admin/permission

(on the table of MySql : auth_item)

  • Name : createDepartment

    Description : create Departement

    Rule Name : [color="#8B0000"]empty / nothing[/color]

    Data : [color="#8B0000"]empty / nothing[/color]

  • Name : superAdmin

    Description : superAdmin can create

    Rule Name : [color="#8B0000"]empty / nothing[/color]

    Data : [color="#8B0000"]empty / nothing[/color]

And I can give a permission at superAdmin to createDepartment on index.php?r=admin%2Fpermission%2Fview&id=superAdmin

(on the table of MySql : auth_item_child)

  • parent : superAdmin

  • child : createDepartment

and I assign admin right [superAdmin] to a user : on /index.php?r=admin%2Fassignment%2Fview&id=2

(on the table of MySql : auth_assignment)

  • item_name: superAdmin

  • user_id: 2

And I rectified DepartmentController.php [yii2-app-advanced\backend\controllers]

by adding if condition :

if (Yii::$app->user->can('createDepartment'))



			throw new ForbiddenHttpException;


like this :

	if (Yii::$app->user->can('createDepartment'))


		$model = new Department();

		if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {

			return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);

		} else {

			return $this->render('create', [

				'model' => $model,






		throw new ForbiddenHttpException;


etc… So now only "superAdmin" can create a department.

It’s works. :) ;D ::) :rolleyes:

[font="Arial Black"]So here is all my questiion on RBAC[/font]

1- what is it a Data fields when I create a permission/role (auth_item) index.php?r=admin/permission ?


[*] 1.1 on the mySql table [auth_item], what is ‘type’ field ?

[*] 1.1.1 I have always 2 (value) at this field [type]. Why ?


2- What is it exactly a rule with RBAC ?

  • 2.1 how can I create a rule ?

  • 2.1.1 by which url : ?

  • 2.2 can I create a rule when I create a permission by filling ‘Rule Name’ field ?

3- What is it exactly a role with RBAC [/index.php?r=admin/role]?

  • 3.1 can you give me a exemple ?

  • 3.1.1 How and where can I use a role ?

4- Must I change MANUALLY [color="#FF0000"]all my controllers[/color] for assign admin right [color="#FF0000"]by adding if condition[/color] [Yii::$app->user->can] :blink: or are there an automatisation by RBAC ? ???

  • 4.1 if yes, how I can implant this automatisation ?



Nobody me answer/help :rolleyes:

but it is normal because this post is on wrong place : [color="#FF0000"]Yii Framework Forum> Yii 1.1.x> General Discussion[/color] :blink:

My question is on Yii 2.0 with advanced template

I’m sorry. :unsure: ::)

How can I move it on [color="#008000"]Yii Framework Forum> Yii 2.0> General Discussions[/color] ?

Can you help me to move it on Yii 2.0 ? ::)

Thanks :)

I can not move this post on Yii Framework Forum> Yii 2.0> General Discussions.

So I created a new one on :

So if you want, you can delate this post or…
