(Jacob Moena)
April 22, 2011, 1:45pm
May I present to you my Yii-powered Issue Tracker project entitled ‘Bugitor’.
You can visit it at http://bugitor.sourceforge.net/projects/bugitor - and see the (horrible) code at http://bitbucket.org/jacmoe/bugitor
The project Ogitor (www.ogitor.org ) had big problems with running Redmine on our Dreamhost powered site - mostly due to the fact that it was RoR - and I gave up on it and decided to write a Redmine clone in PHP. More specifically CakePHP.
That version went online, but still suffered from performance problems.
Mostly due to my lack of sound programming skills.
Then I decided to rewrite the whole thing using Yii - and six months later - I am ready to showcase Bugitor.
It’s really benefited a lot from the Yii framework.
It’s still halfway between 0.2 and 0.3, so still rough - still it’s in production use - including dogfooding.
It features support for multiple Mercurial repositories per project, with roadmap, issues, etc.
Doesn’t have a wiki or other not needed features. (Yet?)
Here’s three screen-shots:
(Jacob Moena)
April 22, 2011, 9:10pm
Oh, and it’s powered not only by Yii, but is making use of the Rights, Workflow and Yii-user extensions.
Thanks a lot guys.
Very good job jacmoe… congrats… glad you back…
April 23, 2011, 7:07pm
Wow, really looks nice. A good, feature-rich alternative to the other non-php issue trackers.
And good to see yii-user-management incarnating in this software
Is there already an downloadable Version including Installation instructions?
I vote for this extension to be showcased on the yiiframework.com front Page, like chive was showcased once - as soon as it has a first stable version.
(Jacob Moena)
April 23, 2011, 7:24pm
Tthanks a lot!!
It was borne out of our own needs, so it’s making a lot of assumptions - it still needs a lot of work and polish before it’s ready for wider use.
But that will happen.
Version 0.3 will concentrate on making Bugitor ready for wider usage.
When that happens, it will feature a complete installer, of course.
I’ll be sure to update the sql scripts in the data directory so that you can try and install it manually, if you want to try it out.
Of course, it will feature support for Git and SVN repositories too when it’s ready, not only Mercurial.
It’s something of a combination of Bitbucket and Redmine - trying to put in those features I like from both.
Thanks for the encouragement.
(Jacob Moena)
May 16, 2011, 1:34pm
I’ve written an installer:
I am moving Bugitor to Sourceforge, and I’ll update when it’s done.
Perhaps I’ll implement a test installation so that people can try it out live.
I’ll also add the roadmap later, but a 1.0 release is scheduled for February 2012.
(Jacob Moena)
May 16, 2011, 3:16pm
Bugitor now lives at http://bugitor.sourc …rojects/bugitor
I’ll see if I can put up a test installation somewhere…
Test installation is at Sourceforge:
Bugitor itself is moved back to:
http://tracker.ogito …rojects/bugitor
June 10, 2011, 10:08pm
Bugitor have a DB SCRIPT for MS SQL SERVER?
June 11, 2011, 9:58am
oups !
http://bugitor.sourc …rojects/bugitor gives me :
Fatal error : Call to a member function getMembers() on a non-object in /home/project-web/bugitor/htdocs/protected/controllers/ProjectController.php on line 164
(Jacob Moena)
June 12, 2011, 9:39pm
Thanks - fixed!
The Bugitor project is at http://tracker.ogito …rojects/bugitor - the Sourceforge page is for testing.
The limitations of Sourceforge web hosting makes it impractical to host the project itself there.
(Jacob Moena)
September 11, 2011, 7:34pm
I just fixed the installer.
And since I just recently became a Dreamhost customer, I can begin to look into adding support for Git, SVN and the Bitbucket/Github APIs.
(Yiqing 95)
October 8, 2011, 4:27pm
I just fixed the installer.
And since I just recently became a Dreamhost customer, I can begin to look into adding support for Git, SVN and the Bitbucket/Github APIs.
well done , congrats . i ll keep an eye on this project
(Jacob Moena)
November 8, 2011, 11:55am
Bugitor now has it’s very own Google+ page:
Bugitor on Google+
Recent screenshots:
November 13, 2011, 11:27pm
hi! very nice project, thanks.
I checked it out, installed as in readme and got the error just after accessing http://localhost/Bugitor/user/login :
Declaration of BugitorController::beforeRender() should be compatible with that of CController::beforeRender()
not a big deal, It’s an E_STRICT error. I fixed it by setting
php_value error_reporting 30719 in .htaccess for my PHP Version 5.3.8
More details on
32767 E_ALL (integer) All errors and warnings, as supported, except of level E_STRICT prior to PHP 5.4.0. 32767 in PHP 5.4.x, 30719 in PHP 5.3.x, 6143 in PHP 5.2.x, 2047 previously
After that fix application works straightforward.
(Jacob Moena)
November 14, 2011, 6:30am
I’ll turn on strict and see what errors I get.
It’s developed against 5.3.8, but apparently it’s not in strict mode here.
(Muaid M.)
November 15, 2011, 3:42am
great job jacmoe !!
i tested the application using yii 1.1.8 and i get errors (of course after installing )
the errors is in Yii itself (not errors but maybe compatibility issue)
it is in the function :
which located in BugitorController.php and Controller.php
the function needs a parameter $view that is it
i already fixed it, i wrote this to inform any one who facing this problem.
btw, i created a new Bug but i couldn’t create new feature (gave me an error says i couldn’t create an issue)
but i didn’t go any further to check the problem (i fell sleepy and wants to take a rest )
thanks for this great application which i’ll use
(Jacob Moena)
November 18, 2011, 11:47am
Thanks for the cheers, Muaid!
May I ask what version of PHP are you using?
Haven’t come across that error, but I’ll look into it.
(Muaid M.)
November 18, 2011, 11:56am
i am using PHP version 5.3.5 (installed with xampp distribution)
November 18, 2011, 1:26pm
It is really Good , Please Keep up with updates
Pravin Gajera
YII App developer
(Jacob Moena)
November 20, 2011, 8:16pm
Thanks, Pravin
I fixed the error in beforeRender by turning on strict mode.
Should have turned it on from the beginning.
Thanks Vit78 and Muaid