[Bug] Undefined variable

I have a file controller

and a function CreateAction:

$model->t_datetime  = new CDbException('NOW()');

            $model->t_fees = 5;



           $connection = Yii::app()->db;


               try { 

	               	if(md5('pay')== $_GET['mod']){

Connection was declared (defined)

but when I submit then I have error:

PHP Error


Undefined variable: connection

and IF I move: $connection = Yii::app()->db;

$model->t_datetime  = new CDbException('NOW()');

            $model->t_fees = 5;

             $connection = Yii::app()->db;




               try { 

	               	if(md5('pay')== $_GET['mod']){

then I got Message:

Undefined variable: transaction

error in lint 115: 

00115:                     $transaction->rollBack();

How can i Solve it ?

Take a look at your brackets.

It seems that $model->save() fails and as a result the connection variable will not be initialized. You skipped the brackets which means that only the next line following the if statement will be enclosed. The line


will always be executed regardless if the save fails or not.

You are using CDbException, I think you are trying to use CDbExpression?

CDbException != CDbExpression :blink:

Thanks u, I Solved it

but now I still have problem with FindbyA…

$requestuid = Users::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('id'=>Yii::app()->user->id));

echo $requestuid->balance;

I want to get balance money, but when I execute then I got the message:

PHP Error


Trying to get property of non-object

00072:             echo $requestuid->u_balance;

What can I do ?

FindAll always returns an array. If you want to retrieve a single object use "findByAttributes" instead of "findAllByAttributes"