Bug on OCI, still exist in Yii 1.0.6

Continue my post at http://www.yiiframew…pic,2460.0.html about bugs on OCI Active Record.

I'm using CRUD command to generate my code. On insert new record the application throw an error like this:

Property "COciCommandBuilder._connection" is not defined.

Source File

C:Program FilesZendApache2htdocsyii106frameworkdbschemaociCOciCommandBuilder.php(108)

00096:                 {

00097:                     $placeholders[]=':'.$name;

00098:                     $values[':'.$name]=$column->typecast($value);

00099:                 }

00100:             }

00101:         }


00103:         $sql="INSERT INTO {$table->rawName} (".implode(', ',$fields).') VALUES ('.implode(', ',$placeholders).')';


00105:         if(is_string($table->primaryKey))

00106:         {

00107:             $sql.=" RETURNING ".$table->primaryKey." INTO :RETURN_ID";

00108: $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql);

00109:             $command->bindParam(':RETURN_ID', $this->returnID, PDO::PARAM_INT, 12);

00110:             $table->sequenceName='RETURN_ID';

00111:         }

00112:         else

00113:             $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql);


00115:         foreach($values as $name=>$value)

00116:             $command->bindValue($name,$value);


00118:         return $command;

00119:     }

00120: }

I'm try to analyze this error and found that $this->_connection property was declared as private property on CDbCommandBuilder class, so it's not exist on COciCommandBuilder because this class extend the CDbCommandBuilder class. As I know if we need to inherit the class properties we need to declare it as protected instead private.

Should I create a ticket for all this OCI bugs?

Thanks. Just fixed it.

Just want to share another bug I found on OCI driver. I'm using OCI ActiveRecord on my application and it's throw an error on line 230

foreach($command->queryAll() as $row)


			if($row['constraint_type']==='R')   // foreign key<--here is the error


				$name = $row["COLUMN_NAME"];

				$table->foreignKeys[$name]=array($row["TABLE_REF"], array($row["COLUMN_REF"]));





The error was show me undefined index on array $row['constraint_type']. After I check the problem is the index typed in lowercase and all index defined in uppercase. So I change it to $row['CONSTRAINT_TYPE'] and it's work.

Thanks. It's fixed. There might be other bugs in the OCI support since I don't have Oracle to fully test it. Please let me know if you find anything else not working. Thanks.