Bug in 1.1.8 got bigger in 1.1.9

Hi there,

Thank you for releasing 1.1.9!

Please check update on issue 2584 (http://code.google.com/p/yii/issues/detail?id=2584)

and consider elevating severity. It means I cannot run commands with this version.



The update on issue 2584 shows that Yii is being configured improperly, so it’s not a bug.

Thanks for the reply but I think it is. There is no session info loaded in the config file. I think it persists from 1.1.8 and will be fixed in 1.1.10 (severity medium)

If there is session info in a standard config/main.php please let me know.


How come only one person (you) experience this problem?

Solved!! For anyone experiencing this … ???

I am using UserIdentity to login to the system as a console user. Within the authentication process AND THERE is session information being set. This is causing the problem.

It was of no consequence prior to 1.1.7.


You’ve got me curious now, what is the application of such a scenario, and how are you going to work around it? I’ve not seen anyone using Yii in such a way yet, so it’d be interesting to find out how/why :slight_smile:

EDIT: nevermind, you explained your process here: http://code.google.com/p/yii/issues/detail?id=2584#c12

Talby101: congrats!