Bootstrapped Yii blog demo with facebook and persona login

I still can’t access the ajax crud. I click the ‘create post’ button in /post/admin, but it doesn’t work. Tried update,delete, and view, it brings me into 404 error page that said The system is unable to find the requested action “12”.

Hai, I’m new in Yii. I want to ask how to disable facebook and persona temporary. I found it annoying that every page request it needs to search for facebook, persona, and other online service, that would make page my development become slow on my local machine. Thank you before…

Look in protected/components/controller.php.

I can disable facebook lookup by commenting the line 26


but I can’t find a way to disable for Can you help me to disable too? Thank you.

I can disable facebook lookup by commenting the line 26


but I can’t find a way to disable for Can you help me to disable too? Thank you.


comment out:

<!-- for browserID login aka Mozilla Persona -->

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  

and remove the link/logo

HEllo mates,

I’ve gotta problem importing the db from

Error: #1005 - Can’t create table ‘testdrive.tbl_comment’ (errno: 150)

Any clue?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Easy fix, just cut tbl_commentreate query and insert data and move after tbl_post creation and insertion.

So poor aproximation, it doesn’t worth the time sorry.