Hi there!
I’ve used Yii Bootstrap for a website where I grap menuItems from a database. Here I use a the Bootstrap.widgets.TbNavbar which I really like to work with. However, the submenu is not working
on a mobile device. The submenu collapses, but when clicking the item which is on that location
originally is really clicked.
Thus in a menu: A B C (D E) F G, where D and E are in a submenu and I click on E, the mobile will
click ‘G’, since E is in place of G (originally, when the submenu is shown).
My code used:
'brand' => CHtml::image('/images/logo.png', 'Heec Groep | HR management taken seriously logo'),
'fixed' => 'top', // fixed to top of page
'fluid' => true, // full width
'collapse' => true, // requires bootstrap-responsive.css
'type' => 'inverse',
'items'=> array(
'id' => 'menu',
'class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbMenu',
'activeCssClass' => 'sel',
'items' => MenuItem::model()->getItems(1, null, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
This seems quite logical to me, however, it does not work.
For a live version of this code, please see www.heecgroep.nl
where you can see the problem yourself.
Is this something where you are familiar with and do you know a fix for this?
Looking forward to your response, since this problem is driving me crazy!
Thanks in advance!!
With kind regards,