Blog demo execution timeout

When I try to create a new Post I get the following error after a while


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\yii_test\framework\vendors\htmlpurifier\HTMLPurifier.standalone.php on line 14842

This is probably a bug of HTMLPurifier. Do you know how to reproduce it? What kind of content are you using in the blog post?

I use the following input

Title: My new post

Content: My new post content

Tags: post, content

Same happens when I click Preview, even with no data input

I'm not sure what is happening here. You may need to debug it to find out the cause. You may set a breakpoint in CHtmlPurifier::purify().

qiang, I'll try and debug it.  Just to mention I tried running the blog demo from the Yii installation and the same thing happens.  It doesn't just happen with newly created apps

That's expected. It might be related with your server configuration. Did you turn on APC or some other caching PHP extensions? One possibility could be that HTMLPurifier is too big to be fit in cache?


That's expected. It might be related with your server configuration. Did you turn on APC or some other caching PHP extensions? One possibility could be that HTMLPurifier is too big to be fit in cache?

Yes APC is turned on. I’ll switch it off and let you know what happens tomorrow. My work day just came to an end  :)

Ok, I couldn't wait until tomorrow

I switched off APC and it worked perfectly.  My concern now is how to I go about tuning performance if I can't use APC extension?

You may try tuning APC parameters, e.g., incrasing the cache size.

You may also try a different cache extension, such as xcache.

I think the latter is more promising to solve your problem easily.

qiang, thank you for you help. I’ll have a look into xcache  ;D