blank page on unique composite key validation

I has model1, Model2, Model3.

Model3 is a bridge table of model1 and Model2.

Model3 has composite primary key id_m1, id_m2.

I use unique rule as below in Model3.

[‘id_m1’, ‘unique’, ‘targetAttribute’ => [‘id_m1’, ‘id_m2’]]

In view page of item of Model1, i insert code for index page of Model3. Clicking create button on this index of Model3 section will open a form for Model3 which i copy from view folder of Model3 paste into Model1 view folder, and edit to be useable with Model1 controller. In Model1 controller i create new action to handle it. I also create a new view page for Model3 in Model1 view folder and an action for it in Model1 controller.

If i save Model3 with unique composite primary key for example first record will has id_m1 = 1 and id_m2 = 1, it is ok. If i save a duplicate, for example 2nd record with id_m1 = 1 and id_m2 = 1 again, it will return a blank white page. Just blank, no menu or yii2 footer.

Any idea what cause this?

If i remove the unique rule, then the page will be ok.

I alredy test with a single model has composite key such as that and implement same unique rule, everything is ok. So there must be something i do wrong when combine those 2 model in same controller.

Here is the create action code for Model3 that i insert in controller for Model1.

public function actionCreateModel3($id_m1)


        $model = new Model3();

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {

            $model->id_m1 = $id_m1;


                return $this->redirect(['model3-view', 'id_m2' => $model->id_m2, 'id_m1' => $model->id_m1]);


        } else {

            $user = Yii::$app->user->getId();

            $staff= Staff::find()->where(['fk_user_id' => $user])->one();

            $model3object = Model3::find()->where(['staff'=>$staff->id])->all();

            $projectitem = Project::find()->all();

            return $this->render('model3-create', [

                'model' => $model,

                'id_m2' => $model3object,

                'project' => $projectitem ,




I has found the cause, but cant find solution.

public function actionCreateModel3($id_m1)   <--- that parameter doesnt receive value


        $model = new Model3();

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {

            $model->id_m1 = $id_m1; <--- replace this with number like 2 then will be fine


But this only happen when duplicate composite key. If the code is wrong then it should show blank page when data is not duplicate as well.

Ok i has found the real cause of error, and understand the blank white screen got nothing to do with yii2, it is php doing.

In my search on the internet i found many suggestion to set php to show error or read php error log. I fail to get php to show error, so i read error log.

Php say there is error

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘::’ (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)

on line 175 which the end of } of my else statement.

So i remember i didnt remove the else as show in tutorial. I remove it and problem solve, my fault for not following tutorial properly because previously i thought there is no difference has else and no else over there and everything work fine untill this error. Now when i analize properly yes there is big difference.

public function actionCreateModel3($id_m1)


        $model = new Model3();

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {

            $model->id_m1 = $id_m1;


                return $this->redirect(['model3-view', 'id_m2' => $model->id_m2, 'id_m1' => $model->id_m1]);


        } //else {  <--- comment this

            $user = Yii::$app->user->getId();

            $staff= Staff::find()->where(['fk_user_id' => $user])->one();

            $model3object = Model3::find()->where(['staff'=>$staff->id])->all();

            $projectitem = Project::find()->all();

            return $this->render('model3-create', [

                'model' => $model,

                'id_m2' => $model3object,

                'project' => $projectitem ,


        //} <--- comment this


problem solved

when i recall back what i found as i describe in my second entry, it feel so weird. How do not removing else relate to parameter not receive value. :o