Blank Page After "hello World" Exercise


I have this view :


/* @var $this MessageController */






<h1>Hello World </h1>

<h3> <?php echo $time; ?> </h3> 

and this controller :


class MessageController extends Controller


        public $defaultAction = "hello" ; 

        public function actionHello()


                $theTime = date ("D M J G:i:s T Y"); 

                $this->render('hello', array('time'=>$theTime)); 



but if I go to the page index?r=message I see a blank page and if I look at the source code nothing is shown.


write like this


Same problem.

I did delete all the new lines but still I see a blank page.


Try this:

public function actionHello()


                $theTime = date ("D M J G:i:s T Y"); 

                return $this->render('hello', array('time'=>$theTime)); 


return $this->render