Best way to paginate related data?

I have a user page which shows his posts using pagination.  I was wondering what the best way to do this is?  This is what I have come up with, but it's not as elegant as it could be


	public function actionShow() {

		$user = $this->loadUser(isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : Yii::app()->user->id);


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$criteria->condition = '`post`.`user_id`=''.$user->id.''';

		$pages=new CPagination(Post::model()->count($criteria));



		$user->post = Post::model()->with('parsecache')->findAll($criteria);


		$this->render('show', compact('user', 'pages'));


Would it be possible to get it all the needed results with one query (and a JOIN)?

This is creating a redundant query also (the last one):

SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user`.`id`=1 LIMIT 1

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `post` WHERE `post`.`user_id`='1'

SELECT `post`.`id` AS t0_c0, `post`.`user_id` AS t0_c1, `post`.`title` AS t0_c2, `post`.`content` AS t0_c3, `post`.`created` AS t0_c4, `post`.`modified` AS t0_c5 FROM `post` WHERE `post`.`user_id`='1' LIMIT 4

SELECT `post`.`id` AS t0_c0, t1.`table` AS t1_c0, t1.`id` AS t1_c1, t1.`column` AS t1_c2, t1.`content` AS t1_c3 FROM `post` LEFT OUTER JOIN `parsecache` t1 ON t1.`id`=`post`.`id` AND `table`='post' WHERE `post`.`id` IN (5, 6, 63, 71)

And it should not need IN (5, 6, 63, 71) since it already has the ON condition

BTW it would be optimal if you could pass a CDbCriteria class into the with() function i think.

You can use the following query (requires the latest SVN code) to avoid the redundant query.


What is the relation type of parsecache? If it is HAS_MANY or MANY_MANY, the query will be split into two without 'together()'.

How do you want to use CDbCriteria in with()? Currently you can use the following:


    'parsecache'=>array(name-value pairs),


that helps, but it's still not working well.


	public function actionShow() {


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$pages=new CPagination(Post::model()->count($criteria));




		$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : Yii::app()->user->id;

		$user = User::model()->with(array('post'=>array('with'=>'parsecache'), 'parsecache'))->together()->findbyPk($id, $criteria);


		if (!$user)

			throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested user does not exist.');


		$this->render('show', compact('user', 'pages'));


It correctly joins the posts to the user, and the parsecache to the to the user, but it does not join the parsecache to the posts


SELECT `user`.`id` AS t0_c0, `user`.`username` AS t0_c1, `user`.`password` AS t0_c2, `user`.`email` AS t0_c3, `user`.`email_visible` AS t0_c4, `user`.`notify_comments` AS t0_c5, `user`.`notify_messages` AS t0_c6, `user`.`about` AS t0_c7, `user`.`group_id` AS t0_c8, `user`.`email_confirmed` AS t0_c9, `user`.`created` AS t0_c10, `user`.`modified` AS t0_c11, t1.`id` AS t1_c0, t1.`user_id` AS t1_c1, t1.`title` AS t1_c2, t1.`content` AS t1_c3, t1.`created` AS t1_c4, t1.`modified` AS t1_c5, t2.`table` AS t2_c0, t2.`id` AS t2_c1, t2.`column` AS t2_c2, t2.`content` AS t2_c3 FROM `user` LEFT OUTER JOIN `post` t1 ON t1.`user_id`=`user`.`id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `parsecache` t2 ON t2.`id`=`user`.`id` AND `table`='user' WHERE `user`.`id`=1 LIMIT 4

SELECT * FROM parsecache WHERE table='post' AND id=5 AND column='content' LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM parsecache WHERE table='post' AND id=6 AND column='content' LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM parsecache WHERE table='post' AND id=63 AND column='content' LIMIT 1

SELECT * FROM parsecache WHERE table='post' AND id=71 AND column='content' LIMIT 1

it should retrieve user, join posts and parsecache to it, and then join parsecache to the posts.  That's three joins

Use this:

User::model()->with('post', 'post.parsecache', 'parsecache')->...

Ok, so now it looks like this:

$user = User::model()->with('post', 'post.parsecache', 'parsecache')->together()->findbyPk($id, $criteria);

Which produces the following joins:

SELECT `user`.`id` AS t0_c0, `user`.`username` AS t0_c1, `user`.`password` AS t0_c2, `user`.`email` AS t0_c3, `user`.`email_visible` AS t0_c4, `user`.`notify_comments` AS t0_c5, `user`.`notify_messages` AS t0_c6, `user`.`about` AS t0_c7, `user`.`group_id` AS t0_c8, `user`.`email_confirmed` AS t0_c9, `user`.`created` AS t0_c10, `user`.`modified` AS t0_c11, t1.`id` AS t1_c0, t1.`user_id` AS t1_c1, t1.`title` AS t1_c2, t1.`content` AS t1_c3, t1.`created` AS t1_c4, t1.`modified` AS t1_c5, t2.`id` AS t2_c0, t2.`user_id` AS t2_c1, t2.`title` AS t2_c2, t2.`content` AS t2_c3, t2.`created` AS t2_c4, t2.`modified` AS t2_c5, t3.`table` AS t3_c0, t3.`id` AS t3_c1, t3.`column` AS t3_c2, t3.`content` AS t3_c3, t4.`table` AS t4_c0, t4.`id` AS t4_c1, t4.`column` AS t4_c2, t4.`content` AS t4_c3 FROM `user`

LEFT OUTER JOIN `post` t1 ON t1.`user_id`=`user`.`id`

LEFT OUTER JOIN `post` t2 ON t2.`user_id`=`user`.`id`

LEFT OUTER JOIN `parsecache` t3 ON t3.`id`=t2.`id` AND `table`='post'

LEFT OUTER JOIN `parsecache` t4 ON t4.`id`=`user`.`id` AND `table`='user'

WHERE `user`.`id`=1 LIMIT 4

Also an error:


CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'table' in on clause is ambiguous

You need to disambiguate the reference to table column. Prepend them with ??.

Like this?


$user = User::model()->with('??.post', 'post.parsecache', '??.parsecache')->together()->findbyPk($id, $criteria

That throws an error:

Relation "??" is not defined in active record class "User".

here's my code:


	public function actionShow() {

		//$user = $this->loadUser(isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : Yii::app()->user->id);

		$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : Yii::app()->user->id;


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$pages=new CPagination(Post::model()->count($criteria));



		$user = User::model()->with('post', 'post.parsecache', 'parsecache')->together()->findbyPk($id, $criteria);


		if (!$user)

			throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested user does not exist.');


		$this->render('show', compact('user', 'pages'));


Nope. It's in your relation declaration about the 'on' option. You should use ??.table='post'

like this?



	 * Returns relation needed for model


	public function parseCacheRelation() {

		return array(CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id', 'on'=>'??.table=''.$this->Owner->tableName().''');	


It's not replacing the ??. with anything though, thus throwing a mysql error.

I see. You need to explicitly special 'alias' option and then prefix the column with that alias.



	 * Returns relation needed for model


	public function parseCacheRelation() {

		return array(

			CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id',






CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias: 'pcaa123'


query with SQL: SELECT AS t0_c0, user.username AS t0_c1, user.password AS t0_c2, AS t0_c3, user.email_visible AS t0_c4, user.notify_comments AS t0_c5, user.notify_messages AS t0_c6, user.about AS t0_c7, user.group_id AS t0_c8, user.email_confirmed AS t0_c9, user.created AS t0_c10, user.modified AS t0_c11, AS t1_c0, t1.user_id AS t1_c1, t1.title AS t1_c2, t1.content AS t1_c3, t1.created AS t1_c4, t1.modified AS t1_c5, AS t2_c0, t2.user_id AS t2_c1, t2.title AS t2_c2, t2.content AS t2_c3, t2.created AS t2_c4, t2.modified AS t2_c5, pcaa123.table AS t3_c0, AS t3_c1, pcaa123.column AS t3_c2, pcaa123.content AS t3_c3, pcaa123.table AS t4_c0, AS t4_c1, pcaa123.column AS t4_c2, pcaa123.content AS t4_c3 FROM user



LEFT OUTER JOIN parsecache pcaa123 ON AND pcaa123.table='post'

LEFT OUTER JOIN parsecache pcaa123 ON AND pcaa123.table='user'



oops, gave you the wrong error & sql.  fixed

hmm, you are using the same alias for parsecache. It should be different…

Sorry, I gave you the wrong sql output.  it's fixed now

edit: btw not sure what you mean…

Is it a behavior? You probably can differentiate the alias for different owner class.

Try this:



    * Returns relation needed for model


   public function parseCacheRelation() {


      return array(

         CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id',





Yes, it's from a behavior.



	 * Returns relation needed for model


	public function parseCacheRelation() {

		return array(

			CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id',





table is always column in parsecache, not a column in the model that the behavior is attached to.  So I would think this would work:



	 * Returns relation needed for model


	public function parseCacheRelation() {

		return array(

			CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id',




but i get this:

CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'parsecache.table' in 'on clause'


I changed the code to this:



	 * Returns relation needed for model


	public function parseCacheRelation() {

		return array(

			CActiveRecord::HAS_MANY, 'ParseCache', 'id',




and everything works fine.  Is that what I'm supposed to do?

Nevermind, it's not working perfectly.  It always pulls the first post (plus three more correct ones) no matter what page it is on, and the number of pages it thinks there is is wrong.

I was wrong, it should be 'on', not 'condition'.  But it's still not working