Basic question about building data structure

I have a PHP question…

I am trying to build a data structure to contain a data set that I use in many places.

I am building the array to look like this

        $report =


            'students' =>



                    'name' => 'Amy Smith',

                    'sessions' =>



                                'id' => '12',

                                'name' => 'Goo and Gunk',

                                'cost' => '114.00',

                                'products' =>



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'





                                'id' => '587',

                                'name' => 'Rocket Fun',

                                'cost' => '114.00',

                                'products' =>



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'





                ], // end student


                    'name' => 'Paul Jones',

                    'sessions' =>



                                'id' => '12',

                                'name' => 'Stuff and Fluff',

                                'cost' => '114.00',

                                'products' =>



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'





                                'id' => '587',

                                'name' => 'Rocket Fun',

                                'cost' => '114.00',

                                'products' =>



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'



                                            'id' => '587',

                                            'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',

                                            'cost' => '45.00'





                ], // end student


            'total' => '1010',


And I am trying to access the data something like this…

            $cart = \app\models\Carts::Getcart( \Yii::$app->user->identity->id );

            foreach( $cart as $student )


                echo $student['name'];              <<-- Undefined index: name

                foreach( $student['session'] as $session )


                   echo $session['name'];

                   foreach( $student['session'] as $session )


                      echo $session['name'];




            echo $cart['total'];

I am getting an Undefined index: name in the line

echo $student[‘name’];

I think I am going in the right direction and just don’t know the correct syntax.

I am still trying to wrap my brain around arrays and objects, and have not found

a good source that talks about complex data structures

It boils down to my not being sure how to iterate and extract data from this structure.



To debug this issue you could echo the $cart array to see if the structure is correct:

        	$cart = \app\models\Carts::Getcart( \Yii::$app->user->identity->id );


        	foreach( $cart as $student )

or even log it:

        	$cart = \app\models\Carts::Getcart( \Yii::$app->user->identity->id );


        	foreach( $cart as $student )

P.S. I’m using Yii 1.1 syntax.

You would have to loop over the objects in student. Try
