I have a PHP question…
I am trying to build a data structure to contain a data set that I use in many places.
I am building the array to look like this
$report =
'students' =>
'name' => 'Amy Smith',
'sessions' =>
'id' => '12',
'name' => 'Goo and Gunk',
'cost' => '114.00',
'products' =>
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Rocket Fun',
'cost' => '114.00',
'products' =>
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
], // end student
'name' => 'Paul Jones',
'sessions' =>
'id' => '12',
'name' => 'Stuff and Fluff',
'cost' => '114.00',
'products' =>
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Rocket Fun',
'cost' => '114.00',
'products' =>
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
'id' => '587',
'name' => 'Early Care 7:30 - 8:30',
'cost' => '45.00'
], // end student
'total' => '1010',
And I am trying to access the data something like this…
$cart = \app\models\Carts::Getcart( \Yii::$app->user->identity->id );
foreach( $cart as $student )
echo $student['name']; <<-- Undefined index: name
foreach( $student['session'] as $session )
echo $session['name'];
foreach( $student['session'] as $session )
echo $session['name'];
echo $cart['total'];
I am getting an Undefined index: name in the line
echo $student[‘name’];
I think I am going in the right direction and just don’t know the correct syntax.
I am still trying to wrap my brain around arrays and objects, and have not found
a good source that talks about complex data structures
It boils down to my not being sure how to iterate and extract data from this structure.